We Lost :(

Phillies logo on a red background “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

—Dr. Seuss

It’s exhausting to be a Philadelphia sports fan. We go through such an emotional rollercoaster with our Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, and Sixers. One minute we are on top and the next, we are speeding downhill and nothing can stop it.

That’s how it felt to me last night. And, for my fellow Phanatics, I’m sure you feel the same way. It was a gut punch. We all saw it unfold and the loudest cheers from the fans at the stadium to the ones sitting on our couches at home could fix.

It’s also exhilarating to be a Philadelphia sports fan. When we win, we win HUGE. We celebrate with obnoxious joy and feel like we can do anything. Philly is on the map and not just a city in between NYC and D.C. The world can’t possibly overlook us in that moment.

There are so many moments that I’m going to remember from this season. Personally, I love when we beat the Atlanta Braves. This year, the team was seen as the best in baseball. And guess what… we shut them down in the division series. We moved ahead, and they went home. And I was so happy.

I also loved watching our players hit home runs out of the park on many occasions. Yes, they completely choked last night when it counted the most. But, I love the back-to-back home runs and the innings when this team scores multiple times and can’t be caught. There were so many games like that which make me smile.

And I’m still smiling. I do think the Phillies are the best team in baseball—even though we lost. We are a TEAM in every sense of the word. The players connect with each other and the fans and the city, and I’m not convinced it is like that for everyone. I see lots of teams whose players are in it for themselves, but we win as a team and lose as a team. And you can tell that our players are hurting too. And I’m sad for them because they worked so hard to get here. The looks on their faces tell me that they feel the same way we do today—disappointed and in shock.

Losing happens to the best of us. But they don’t need to apologize to me. It was a fun season, and they have earned a rest. You can bet we will be back next year for #RedOctober, and I’ll be cheering them on just like always.

Thank you Phillies for an amazing season. See you in April.



6 comments on We Lost :(

  1. Tamara
    October 26, 2023 at 4:43 am (12 months ago)

    I am sorry they didn’t win, I would have been so happy for you!
    Love what you say about the sense of community they demonstrate, that is such an important part of being a team. This season the runner up from last year (hockey) is struggling and keeps losing. In a recent interview, their captain was asked “so how are you guys getting out of this?” TOGETHER, he said. The reporter was like “what do you mean?” And Gaëtan Haas goes “together, we’re in this together, we’re practicing, we’re playing, we’re creating momentum, we’re going to win eventually.”

    • Elisa
      October 26, 2023 at 2:05 pm (12 months ago)

      I love that! It’s true about working together, celebrating together, experiencing losses together. It’s all about being a part of the team.

  2. Kebba Buckley Button
    October 25, 2023 at 11:18 pm (12 months ago)

    Elisa, I love how much you love the team. I love that you feel a part of a Philadelphia area community, and that there is something called #RedOctober. Is that the beginning of the new season? I read that the Phillies had an amazing record number of lost games, so rising to the finals was a fresh achievement. Hey, maybe the Phillies will take the best of whatever built their recent success, and they’ll rise to go to the World Series next year?

    • Elisa
      October 26, 2023 at 2:07 pm (12 months ago)

      Thanks, Kebba. Red October in baseball terms is when teams reach the playoffs and are still playing beyond the regular season. I think there will be more baseball posts about the Phillies playing in Red October next year as well.

  3. Cindy Rae Fancher
    October 25, 2023 at 9:23 pm (12 months ago)

    My condolences, I know the sorrow and disappointment are real! and I understand how you might have felt. Most of my family and local friends are avid Astros fans and Monday night was a moment of sorrow for us! When they are up, they are great, but when they are not it is tough to take! As you said there is next year!

    • Elisa
      October 26, 2023 at 2:08 pm (12 months ago)

      Sorry for your loss as well. I was hoping to see a Phillies/Astros rematch in the World Series. Maybe next year.