Game 7!

I’m too nervous to write a blog post right now, so I’ll just leave this here.

I’m either going to eat one of these cupcakes to celebrate the Phillies going to the World Series, or I’m going to eat ALL OF THEM because I’ll be very depressed.

Stay tuned. Go Phillies!

4 comments on Game 7!

  1. Tamara
    October 24, 2023 at 9:52 pm (9 months ago)

    It’s 2 : 3 at the end of 5th, meaning there is still time, right?
    Love the cupcakes, and what ever the end result, it’s pretty amazing to have made it so far! Go, Phillies!

  2. Janice Gill
    October 24, 2023 at 8:05 pm (9 months ago)

    Well England just got booted out of the Rugby World Cup so I hope your team do better!

  3. Kebba Buckley Button
    October 24, 2023 at 6:45 pm (9 months ago)

    Elisa, what adorable logo cupcakes! I read that the Phillies are going to their first Game 7 in their 140-year history. And the game is in Philadelphia tonight. Will they make more history? Enjoy!