The Good, The Bad, and The Writing

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is now over, and I succeeded and failed. The challenge is to do 31 blogs – one post per day for the entire month. I failed the challenge because I wrote 26 out of 31 blog posts. But, it’s okay. The days that I didn’t write were days that I had more important things to do.

One night, I finished work late and still had a blog post to write. But, my son passed his board of review for Eagle Scout, and people were going out to celebrate. How could I miss that?

I couldn’t. So, I didn’t.

I had many successes in last month’s blog challenge. Many more ups than downs. Here are some of the things I got out of it.

  • 26 Blog posts  – I am proud of that number. I wrote 24 more blog posts in December and 23 more than I wrote in November. My goal is always to complete the blog challenge, but if I don’t make it – at the very least, I have a new daily writing habit.
  • New Subscribers – Welcome to my new subscribers and those who found me on Facebook. I’ve been at this for a long time, but I don’t have much of a following. So, I greatly appreciate it when people sign up to receive an email from me in their inbox on a regular basis.
  • A supportive writing community – I participate in this challenge with about 40 other bloggers. I don’t know the exact number, but each is incredibly talented and passionate about their families, businesses, communities, and hobbies. I learned so much from everyone, and their support means the world to me.

The best thing about these writing challenges is that when they are over, I still love writing. I never tire of it; I’m inspired to keep going. Even though it can be lonely to sit in front of my laptop trying to come up with something to say, I feel amazing when an idea comes to mind. And when that idea turns into a post, I am excited to hit publish and put my voice out into the world. And when you like, comment, share, or text me to say how much you liked what I wrote, it’s an incredible feeling.

So, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more.



A January Recap

January is almost over – wow, that was fast! Here is a recap of what’s happening in my world.

Family Updates

  • Jenna made the Dean’s List, turned 21 this month, and started her role as president of Towson Hillel.
  • Andrew became an Eagle Scout, is having a great swim season, and is close to deciding on college next year.
  • Chloe (our fur baby) is not loving the cold weather and can’t wait for spring. She isn’t the only one that feels this way.


  • 1 COVID-19 exposure
  • 4 COVID-19 tests
  • Three negative tests and one positive
  • Five days of quarantine

Work Highlights

  • I had a wonderful conversation with my boss on Friday as part of my annual review. I am in the middle of one rebranding project that is going well and have lots of new goals to accomplish in 2022.

Reading Goals

  • Set my 2022 Goodreads goal for 35 books
  • Purchased five books
  • Read two

(Side note: Do podcasts count as reading? I’ve listened to a ton of them this month, so I think they should.)

Writing Goals

  • Wrote 26 published blog posts (so far) and four drafts that are not ready for publication.
  • 8,048 words (and counting).
  • Average blog post length – 322 words
  • New subscribers 3 (help a girl out here and please subscribe to my blog – #shamelessplug)

I’m also submitting one essay about friendships and middle age for publication in February. It’s my first time putting something out into the world beyond my blog/comfort zone. Wish me luck.

Oh, and I’m also writing a book. Did I mention that?

How was your January? What were some of the highlights? I’d love to hear what’s happening in your world. And, if you read this blog and like it, consider subscribing and/or sharing them on your own social media pages. Even a “like” goes a long way. Thanks!



I was hoping to be incredibly productive on the writing front today, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I took two naps, listened to a few chapters of my book, and did some laundry. I also went through a large stack of papers that I’ve been shuffling around for months. There was a lot of trash and also a few gems that I am filing away for another day. Here are some of the things I found:

  • Class notes from a digital marketing class I took last year. There are many tips and tricks that could make my work life a lot easier to manage.
  • A list of writing prompts from January 2019. At one point, I must have made a list of things I wanted to write about. Some of them are no longer relevant, and others are evergreen. It’s a good list to keep around.
  • A holiday card from my writing coach turned friend. She wrote, “thank you for believing in me as much as I believe in you.” Love her!
  • Membership cards to Longwood Gardens. I will need those as soon as this cold weather breaks and the flowers start to bloom again.
  • Bed Bath and Beyond coupons – you can never have enough of them!

Maybe my day was more productive than I thought. I managed to fill up my recycling bin with papers I no longer need, which is always good.

And maybe tomorrow I’ll have a better writing day.

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