Posts Tagged ‘#ProudandJewish’

I Stand with Israel

“We are at war” – Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

This is an illustration of flag of Israel

I woke up to the news in Israel and am devastated at the surprise sneak attack by Hamas, the injuries and loss of life everywhere, and the pure hatred that is at the root of it all.

Because I have no words right now, I continue to pray for all of our families and friends who live in the Holy Land and offer up the wise words of Rabbi David Wolpe.

El Maleh Rachamim

Compassionate God,

We pray

not to wipe out haters

but to banish hatred.

Not to destroy sinners

but to lessen sin.

Our prayers are not for a perfect world

but a better one

Where parents are not bereaved

by the savagery of sudden attacks

Or children orphaned

by blades glinting in a noonday sun.

Help us dear God,

to have the courage to remain strong,

to stand fast.

Spread Your light

on the dark hearts of the slayers

And Your comfort

to the bereaved hearts of families of the slain.

Let calm return Your city Jerusalem,

and to Israel, Your blessed land.

We grieve with those wounded

in body and spirit,

pray for the fortitude of our sisters and brothers,

and ask You to awaken the world to our struggle and help us bring peace.

Rabbi David Wolpe


This evening, I am glued to my television watching a hostage situation unfold at a Reform synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. As a woman of the Jewish faith, I am saddened and horrified at what is happening right now. So much so that a light-hearted blog post seems impossible for me to write this evening.

No one should have to fear that something like this may happen in their place of worship. And during a Shabbat morning service. And yet, the Jewish community – my community – has seen this happen way too often. Antisemitism is real. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”

May our world, our country, our communities, and our own circles grow toward more love, light, tolerance, and harmony.

I am praying for the safety of the rabbi and congregants being held hostage at Congregation Beth Israel and hope for a peaceful resolution to the situation. I am also so thankful for the members of law enforcement who help keep our communities safe.

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