Red October

I had to laugh at today’s writing prompt from the beloved fearless leader of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

“What do you do in the Fall that is unique to this season.”

For Phillies baseball fans, tonight we aren’t enjoying the changing colors of the leaves, attending a fall festival, or carving a pumpkin. Tonight, we are watching the Philadelphia Phillies begin their road to the World Series!!!

We will get there one game at a time, and tonight we are taking on the Miami Marlins in the first postseason game. We will be saying our prayers and yelling at our televisions. We will cheer on the players and curse out the umpires when they make bad calls. Hopefully, bats and helmets aren’t thrown into the stands, but when it comes to this team, you never know.

It’s not fall in our house. It’s Red October. And it’s going to be AWESOME!

7 comments on Red October

  1. Carol Newman
    October 5, 2023 at 8:38 pm (11 months ago)

    I am sure my Philly family members are very excited!

    • Elisa
      October 6, 2023 at 5:37 pm (11 months ago)

      I would think so! 😀

  2. Tamara
    October 4, 2023 at 3:18 am (11 months ago)

    I looked it up, and your team won, congratulations!
    Our hockey team had to play against our arch rival last night. The opponent had a six game winning streak and seemed invincible. We were lagging 2:0 by the second intermission. i don’t know what they had to drink in the locker room, but when our team came back on the ice, they started to play! They managed to tie and force overtime, and they ended up scoring the winning goal! Ahh, the joy!

    • Elisa
      October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm (11 months ago)

      I was very excited. Congrats to your hockey team too – sounds like an amazing game!

  3. Roy A Ackerman, PhD EA
    October 3, 2023 at 10:44 pm (11 months ago)

    It certainly is! This Phanatic is planning on enjoying himself immensely. Go Phils!

  4. Janice Gill
    October 3, 2023 at 7:16 pm (11 months ago)

    This post made me smile at the thought of all those fans shouting at the TV. The same happens here while the Rugby World Cup is running.

  5. Laurie
    October 3, 2023 at 7:14 pm (11 months ago)

    Oh boy! That reminds me too much of my brothers! They sometimes get a little loud over sports games!

    Hope you’re not disappointed!

    Have a great day!
