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Raise a Glass to Reading

Can you believe Memorial Day is next weekend?! The unofficial start of summer is days away, and plans are being made left and right. Of course, books factor into all my trips down the shore, long car rides, and pool days because I never leave home without one.

Right now, I’m slowly cultivating my summer reading list. Like a fine wine, I want this list to be both robust and well-balanced. I want titles that match my exquisite taste in fiction, quench my thirst for knowledge, and fill my glass to the brim with lots of great flavors.

Most of the books I have selected are already on my shelves, but there are a few that I will acquire to round out my collection. I have been researching different titles based on recommendations from the sommeliers of the literary world – like the New York Times bestseller list, the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club, and #bookstagram. Next month, I will briefly lift my self-imposed, book-buying ban, select what I hope are “excellent choices,” and then put a cork in it for the rest of the summer.

I hope you will join me in celebrating this upcoming summer of books and wine. A wise man once said, “Great wines are like great books. Once you take your first ‘sip,’ they are hard to put down.




Reading Goals

As a writer, I’m always on the lookout for new blog material. For instance, my son, Andrew, recently asked me what I thought about the latest CDC guidelines for masks and vaccinated people. (I could seriously write an entire blog post about this). We had a good conversation about what to do and where to go from here. It was one of those parenting moments that made me smile. And then I thought, “Wow, this would make a good blog post!”

But then I remembered that I made the conscious decision to write about reading during this month-long blog challenge. I’ll be honest. It hasn’t been easy. However, I set this goal for myself and plan to see it through.

Speaking of goals, I set three reading goals for myself this year.

The Goodreads 2021 Reading Challenge – Since 2014, I have a set number of books I plan to read in a given year. Some years I’ve met my goal, and others not so much. In 2020, thanks to the pandemic, I read 20 books in 2020. To see if I can top that, I set a goal of 21 books in 2021. So far, I am on track, having read seven books to date.

The Unread Shelf Challenge – One of my goals is to curb my prolific book-buying habit and read the books I already own. It has been 18 days since I bought or borrowed a new book, and I’m quite proud of myself. I have read two books from my shelf so far. This week, I am on vacation, and usually, I would plan a visit to a bookstore. But, I plan to read my books instead of shopping for more. I am determined to cross the finish line on this particular goal, but come June 1st – I can’t make any promises.

The third goal is personal to me. Thankfully, it required no logins, memberships, websites, Facebook groups, etc. My third goal is to read books that make me smile. I want a real page-turner that tells me I can’t possibly make dinner until I finish the next chapter.

What goals can you set for your reading life? Here are a few ideas for you.

  • For the non-reader who wants to start reading again, join a book club.
  • For the avid reader, make a list of books you want to dive into this summer.
  • For the person who doesn’t have a lot of free time, pick a short book.
  • For the person who has lots of free time, turn off Netflix and pick up a book.
  • For the person who has a long commute, download Audible, and listen to books while driving to work.
  • For the person in a reading slump, pick a new genre. If you are a romance reader, try a mystery instead.

Okay, your turn. What is your reading goal?

Summer Page Turners

It’s been one of those Sundays where I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. One of the things I had hoped to cross off my to-do list was to set up my affiliate bookstore with I thought it would be an excellent way to monetize my blog, and I love that they support independent bookstores. But, easier said than done. After a few hours of trying to upload my book list, the website incredibly uncooperative. And the Help section was not helpful in the least. So instead of the intended booklist, I am giving us both a gift today.

For Me: An easy blog post to write and get back some of the time I lost working on that website. (so frustrating…)

For You: With summer reading season upon us, I thought I would offer up some page-turners. I hope you find something you like from some of my favorite genres. All of these are linked to Goodreads. If you do decide to buy a book, I hope you will support your local bookstore.

I’ll be back tomorrow with much more riveting content. I promise.



Historical Fiction


Essay collections

Pop Culture

Current Events

Celebrity memoir


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