The Good, The Bad, and The Writing

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is now over, and I succeeded and failed. The challenge is to do 31 blogs – one post per day for the entire month. I failed the challenge because I wrote 26 out of 31 blog posts. But, it’s okay. The days that I didn’t write were days that I had more important things to do.

One night, I finished work late and still had a blog post to write. But, my son passed his board of review for Eagle Scout, and people were going out to celebrate. How could I miss that?

I couldn’t. So, I didn’t.

I had many successes in last month’s blog challenge. Many more ups than downs. Here are some of the things I got out of it.

  • 26 Blog posts  – I am proud of that number. I wrote 24 more blog posts in December and 23 more than I wrote in November. My goal is always to complete the blog challenge, but if I don’t make it – at the very least, I have a new daily writing habit.
  • New Subscribers – Welcome to my new subscribers and those who found me on Facebook. I’ve been at this for a long time, but I don’t have much of a following. So, I greatly appreciate it when people sign up to receive an email from me in their inbox on a regular basis.
  • A supportive writing community – I participate in this challenge with about 40 other bloggers. I don’t know the exact number, but each is incredibly talented and passionate about their families, businesses, communities, and hobbies. I learned so much from everyone, and their support means the world to me.

The best thing about these writing challenges is that when they are over, I still love writing. I never tire of it; I’m inspired to keep going. Even though it can be lonely to sit in front of my laptop trying to come up with something to say, I feel amazing when an idea comes to mind. And when that idea turns into a post, I am excited to hit publish and put my voice out into the world. And when you like, comment, share, or text me to say how much you liked what I wrote, it’s an incredible feeling.

So, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more.



4 comments on The Good, The Bad, and The Writing

  1. vidya
    February 9, 2022 at 1:06 pm (2 years ago)

    You did great Elisa! And I love reading your posts as often as I can… i missed posting on a few days as well this time around but as you said, it helps me do more than I normally do otherwise, and of course interact with the UBC community..
    Also, congratulations to your Eagle Scout! It is such a wonderful achievement and definitely worth celebrating. My son became an Eagle in 2019…

  2. Dominique
    February 7, 2022 at 10:08 am (2 years ago)

    Congratulations on your achievement! Sometimes, other things get in the way1

  3. Martha
    February 6, 2022 at 10:19 pm (2 years ago)

    Great job, congratulations! See you next UBC!

  4. Lily Leung
    February 6, 2022 at 8:41 pm (2 years ago)

    You did excellent, Elisa.