Buh-Bye, 2020!

Dear 2020,
Don’t let the door kick you in the tush on your way out. Buh-bye.
Love, Elisa

P.S. Actually, 2020, maybe I’m a little unfair to you. Not everything has been awful.

Yes, I was furloughed from my job and found myself collecting unemployment for the first time in my life–and during a global pandemic, no less. But, I found an even better job. One where my talents are maximized, my work and input are appreciated, and where I am fairly compensated.

And yes, I was really sick at the end of February into March, which I’m guessing was probably COVID-19. At the time, I wasn’t sick enough to qualify for testing (which was scarce then). I thank G-d every day that it was a mild case, but I hope I’m never that sick again.

I suppose, 2020, that there have been some good things that happened this year. I’ve seen my kids in a completely different light as they successfully navigate both their academic careers and (semi-) social lives while staying safe. I always made it a priority to teach them kindness and resilience in life. Watching them over the past year, I’ve seen so many ways in which that message has been well-received.

I’ve learned how to ask for help from friends, family, and even total strangers. We all need help from time to time, and 2020 has been the year that I asked for what I needed and gave back where I could reciprocate. I’ve met some wonderful people and expanded my professional network. I benefited from their career advice and their willingness to introduce me to people who helped me get ahead. Come to think of it, losing my job may have been the best thing that happened to me this year.

Um, thanks, COVID?

Ok, 2020, you gave me all of the above plus Joe Biden, Randy Rainbow, Disney+, genius late-night talk show hosts, time to read books and do jigsaw puzzles, and that unforgettable night of laughing hysterically with Scott and the kids while playing Cards Against Humanity. And seriously, so much more that I can be truly grateful for. So, I guess some thanks are in order.

But, you also made me worry about everything from my mail and my groceries to my family and friends. I haven’t seen my parents or my extended family and larger circle of friends nearly as much as I normally do this time of year. COVID-19 changed me from a news junkie to a more casual consumer of current events for my own sanity. In 2020, I increased my screen time by 1000 percent. My waistline has expanded as well. And, I have more face masks, wipes, and Purell than I know what to do with and hopefully won’t need for much longer.

For better and for worse, you changed me, 2020. All I ask is for a much happier and healthier 2021 for everyone.

Buh-Bye, 2020…it’s been – you know – unprecedented.

On This Giving Tuesday…

I’m not sure if I learned about tikkun olam – repairing the world – when I was in Hebrew school. My rabbi and teachers may have talked about it, but I probably wasn’t paying attention. What I do know is that I’ve been practicing tikkun olam my entire life.

From raising money for developmentally disabled people in my youth to launching major fundraising campaigns and events for the Jewish community and for childhood cancer families, giving back to those in need is something I take to heart and have passed along to my children. It has also been the focus of my career.

After spending 10 years working in the publishing world, I decided to switch to nonprofit organizations. During a recent job search, people kept asking me if I would consider going back to corporate or for-profit work. While I thought about it, this was never my preference. I am highly motivated to help others, and so it’s important to incorporate that into every aspect of my life — including my job.

For the past 15+ years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and interviewing families going through some incredibly trying times. They are the real people behind the fancy marketing and branding, who benefit from your support. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to listen to and share their stories with the world.

Today is Giving Tuesday. It was created when two organizations, the 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation, came together in 2012, about a month before that year’s Thanksgiving, to set aside a day that was all about celebrating the generosity of giving. From there, a great American tradition was born.

Each of us has a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Have you checked in on them lately? How has their year been? In 2020, most nonprofits saw a decline in donations because of COVID-19. Some charities had to close their doors. Others are struggling to keep their programs and services running. And the people they help and the issues they champion haven’t disappeared. In fact, the need is even greater.

Today is the day to practice a little tikkun olam.

What important causes are you donating to today?

Unlocking Me

Lately, I’ve been listening to Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us–which I highly recommend. My favorite episode so far is the one on burnout. And then there was this other one about using play as an energy source. Oh, and the interview with Dolly Parton this week is so great.

Okay, so I don’t have a favorite because they are all my favorites.

Anyway, at the end of every show, she asks her guests the same 10 rapid-fire questions and the answers give a lot of insight into who they are as a person. So, I thought I’d give it a go.

  1. Vulnerability is…. not a weakness; it’s the path to the truth.
  2. When I’m called to be brave but the fear is real, I…push through. Quick story. I don’t like small boats. Actually, I’m terrified of them because I’m not a strong swimmer, and I’m deathly afraid of capsizing. This happened to friends of mine on a duck boat many years ago, so I don’t consider this an irrational fear. Anyway, while I was on vacation with my extended family in Costa Rica, everyone wanted to go on a boat trip. Normally, I would let Scott and the kids go, and I’d stay behind but, I didn’t want to be the party pooper. So, I got on the boat and traveled downriver past some scary looking alligators to see amazing wildlife that I never would have seen otherwise. It was a memorable experience but I was much happier when we were back on solid ground. So, when I’m called on to be brave and the fear is so real that I can feel it all over, I give it my all to push through.
  3. Something people get wrong about me…that I was popular in high school. I’ve had several people say this to me in my adult life and nothing could be further than the truth. I’m an extrovert, so maybe I give off that vibe, but back then, I was a bonafide nerd with a small group of solid friends and zero self-confidence. I was a very late bloomer. Thank God for college where I became much more comfortable in my own skin and felt ready to take on the world.
  4. Last show that I binged and loved … The West Wing. It was exactly the dose of hope I needed to get me through the last year or two… or four.
  5. Favorite movie … The Princess Bride – and I often quote it when I feel it is necessary and I am frustrated when people don’t understand the reference.
  6. A concert I’ll never forget … I’ve been to many, many concerts, so this is not an easy choice. I’ll go with Madonna’s Ray of Light tour. I love Madonna, but it was a terrible show. Like, awful. I was blinded by all the strobe lights and special effects. The whole concert was one big music video where she sang everything from her new album and none of the hits I grew up with. One silver lining – watching other people parade around the arena dressed up as the many looks Madonna has shown over the years. That was pretty awesome.
  7. Favorite meal … Rosh Hashanah dinner – juicy brisket, kugel, sweet and sour meatballs, Jewish apple cake…yum!
  8. What’s on my nightstand … Glasses – distance glasses, reading glasses, a glass of water, oh and my CPAP machine complete with a nasal mask. Sexy, right?!
  9. Snapshot of an ordinary moment of my life that brings me joy … any picture of me dancing with my dad. I’m not the best dancer, and I never know exactly where he is going to step next and where I’m supposed to put my feet. But, I always enjoy my time with him on the dance floor. And the photos, always capture those special moments.
  10. What are you deeply grateful for right now… Hand sanitizer.
    No, I’m kidding. I’m deeply grateful for my own resilience during a difficult year. I lost my job, then searched and found a new position. I can only describe that experience as a soul-searching, often gut-wrenching, roller coaster ride. I supported the people I love who struggled this year and got them through some tough moments. I managed our day to day life under this new normal while keeping my own anxiety in check. Yes, my resilience has definitely been a blessing this year.

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