Booked all weekend

What are you up to this weekend?

I started out my night with a mango mojito which was delicious. I’m following that up with a little ice cream and Phillies baseball. For the rest of the weekend, I am reading and blogging. But for tonight, I’m just going to chill out and relax.





The Struggle is Real

If I were to come up with a new name for my blog, it would be something that encapsulates everyday life and takes it to the next level. I’m not changing it, but if I did, I think I would call it  — The Struggle Is Real.” I say it all the time for daily frustrations that no one wants to hear me complain about, but I know others will understand.

Take my iPhone, for example. I’m about ready to throw it out the window. For the past two weeks, I haven’t been able to send or open any photos or documents on my phone. I know it is a storage issue, but no matter how many Wordle screenshots, dog videos, and vacation photos I delete, it remains at full capacity. I even removed the apps I no longer use, which moved the needle by about 4 GBs. Only 4 GBs!

But then, I bought a new FitBit and needed to download the app so I can use it. That’s how they get you. So, now I’m back to where I started. Grrr…

When I plugged the phone into my laptop to download batches of videos and photos, the file folder showed up as empty. This is when I completely lost it and screamed at my laptop — LIAR! The laptop had no answer for me except to ask if I want to buy more storage. No, I don’t want to buy more storage! I want to make room on the phone I already have, so I can text my sister coffee memes and Princess Bride quotes. Is that too much to ask?!

Maybe I need to connect my iPhone to an Apple MacBook instead of my Dell PC to access those files. Maybe I need to make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar. Maybe I need to wipe my phone of everything and start all over again.

Maybe I need a drink.

It’s so frustrating.

The struggle is real.

Stay tuned for more episodes of “The Struggle is Real” by Elisa. 😀

What daily struggle is annoying the heck out of you right now? Please share in the comments and let me commiserate with you. 



I Am From…

I am from young love that began with my parents’ first meet cute that blossomed into 54 years of marriage.

I am from a father who loves music, trivia, history, Phillies baseball, and jigsaw puzzles.

I am from a mother who looks for kindness in everyone, beauty in everything, and dreams of a more tolerant world.

I am from a sister who I have a special bond and shared memories with, and a penchant for quoting 80s movies.

I am from parents who believed we were everything and bullies who thought we were nothing.

I am from bouts of depression and anxiety which is under control but rears its ugly head when life becomes too much to handle.

I am from teachers who recognized my gift for the written word since the fourth grade and encouraged me to share it with the world.

I am from the imposter syndrome and self-doubt that plagues every writer, along with the strength to ignore it and write anyway.

I am from a loving Jewish community that raised me, taught me, sustained me, and continues to fulfill me.

I am from a husband who adores and supports me for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.

I am from my children, who have taught me as much as I have taught them, who continue to amaze me, and who are my pride and joy.

I am from my childhood bedroom, where I read books past my bedtime with a flashlight under my pillow.

I am from old friends who have come and gone and those who stayed with me and wish I saw more often.

I am from new friends who I made later in life, share my life with, and can’t live without.

I am from a lifetime of failures I’ve endured and successes I’ve celebrated with the people I love.

Where are you from? Share your thoughts in the comments. 



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