We live 3 blocks from our elementary school and I would often walk Jenna up to “the path” which leads to the back of the school. On one cold and rainy day, Jenna hopped in the car and I drove her instead. While waiting at the stop sign to make the turn onto the main road, I started to do the math.I thought to myself…right now she is in Kindergarten and she will graduate high school in 2019 and I’ll be…48 years old. It seemed like such a long time away so I just shrugged it off and took her to school. Now, she drives herself to school. She turns 18 tomorrow and she graduates high school in 5 months. Guess what, I blinked.
Writing can be a lonely hobby, but one that I feel is a calling. If I could only stay home in my pajamas with my laptop, mugs of coffee, books and fuzzy slippers and write, I would do exactly that—all day long. But up til now, I have had to give myself permission to carve out time to do what I love. On this journey, there are lots of people who have encouraged me along the way. Of course, my mom is no doubt my biggest fan, but there are others who stand out. When I sit down to write, I know it is because these people have out there who have and one of them passed away. She was an English teacher who volunteered every month at our synagogue. Every time she saw me, she would tell me what a great writer I am and that she was a retired English teacher so she should know. It always made my day. I haven’t seen her in a long time, but I remember how she made me feel and I won’t soon forget it.
200 Words
My life in 200 words. No more. No less. Okay, that’s 14 words already. Here goes nothing. I’m frustrated a little too easily these days and I’m feeling pretty guilty about it. I know that everyone is busy. I try hard to be patient. I do. But that has never been a virtue of mine. I came home from work tonight to wet clothes that should already be in the dryer, dry towels that need folding and overflowing hampers of clothes that haven’t made their way down to the laundry room. And, I can’t find any empty baskets! (98 words) I have a lot of personal goals this year and I want to fulfill them all. But, I can’t seem to work it into my schedule and it’s SO frustrating. To be honest, maybe I’m not frustrated. Maybe I’m overwhelmed or I’m giving in to all the self-doubt I carry inside, but rarely show others. I don’t have an answer yet. So, today, I made a phone call to talk to someone about all of this. I haven’t felt a need to make an appointment for quite a while. But, I woke up this morning and realized, it’s time for a visit. (200 words).