This is my favorite mug. It says Instant Writer: Just Add Coffee. When I saw it, I laughed out loud. Oh Lord, if only it were that easy!
But it’s not. I love to write, but after nine straight days, I didn’t think I had much left in me to share with you.
Nevertheless, I was determined. I sat down at my laptop on the kitchen counter at 7:45 pm and looked over at the sink full of dishes. Instead of walking over and grabbing a sponge, I banged this out on my keyboard.
I’d like to have a word with the person that designated dishes and laundry as “women’s work.” Is it just because women care more about a clean house? Is it because the menfolk barely notice a pile of clothes to be folded or a sink full of dishes to be washed? And what about the children? Once they are tall enough to reach the sink, shouldn’t it be a law passed by Congress that they do their own #&!(@ dishes?
AND THEN, I looked up at the TV and watched Ken Jennings risk all his points on a question about South Carolina’s political history. It was a bold move — a true daily double in the tournament to end all tournaments. I was on the edge of my seat.
Here’s what I typed:
You know, it’s so hard to write a blog post while watching Jeopardy’s Greatest of All Time Tournament. I’m rooting for Ken Jennings. Is anyone else watching this?
And THEN, I completely lost my motivation for writing/ranting about dishes and laundry. I was desperate for inspiration, and I did the only thing I could do. I cringed and then went on Facebook.
Sure enough, one of my friends posted a list of quick facts about her and her husband. You know–the location of our first date, who said I love you first, etc. I started to fill in all of the slots, and then planned on calling it a night.
And THEN, inspiration finally hit me. This list of who is the better driver (him) and who is more of a morning person (me), reminded me of the podcast I listened to while driving into work: Gretchen Rubin and her 20 for 2020 list. It took me the better part of an hour to put together my own list.
I hit publish at exactly 10:02 pm and breathed a sigh of relief. Honestly, I’m proud of the post and the fact that I didn’t give up. I sat there until something came to me–and I didn’t even have to take a drink my coffee mug.