Archive of ‘Ultimate Blog Challenge’ category

Life Without A Manual 2023






All of my questions have now been answered, and if whatever else comes my way, I have THE MANUAL I need to tell me exactly what I need to do and everything I need to know about life.


I wish! Wouldn’t it be nice to have that manual on one of my many bookshelves? A guide to tell me how to tackle everything on my to-do list and live my best life?

Nope. Sorry. šŸ˜‰ ,

The only thing I realized today is how much I still need that elusive manual, and the reasons seem to change with every passing year. When I launched this blog, “Life Without A Manual,” several years ago, my kids were in middle school and high school. I needed a manual for parenting teenagers, and since the “What to Expect” book series ended in the toddler years, I knew I was screwed. Thankfully, blogging allowed me to share my experiences with you, and in return, you gave me all the advice and support I needed.

Now – eight years later – my kids are young adults. They are away at college and are starting their own lives. One is graduating next month. (YIKES!). The other is just starting out in his college career. They still need me but in very different ways than before. And now, I can focus on my roles as a wife, an empty nester, a dog mom, and a member of the sandwich generation. I have a full-time job, and I’m writing a book on the side. Life is just as busy as it was when the kids were living here, and while I love this stage, a manual would still be helpful.

For example, where does my time go? I’ve got a lot of priorities and not enough hours in the day to attend to all of them. There are some days when I feel incredibly productive and others where I can’t seem to get it together. And although I know it isn’t true, it feels like everyone else gets more done than me in the same amount of time each day. What is their secret?!

Another question I’d like to answer is what I want to do with this next phase of my life. There is so much I still want to see and accomplish, and now that I’m over 50, I hear the clock ticking. I’ve never been to Europe – except for Greece, where I went on my honeymoon. Even then, I don’t think we saw as much of it as we would have liked. šŸ˜‰ I keep telling my husband that this is the decade to do it while we have our health and the means to do it. He agrees, so it’s just a matter of when. Time to start planning!

Finally, how can I stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible? I know there is no shortcut to good health, but I’d like to find more enjoyable ways to do it and have it become an integral part of my life and not feel like another job. I want to live long enough to see my kids succeed in their chosen fields. I’d also like to become a published author and work toward that daily. And should I be so blessed, I want to meet my grandchildren and have a relationship with them. I’m not sure if that’s possible, but I hope to figure it out.

So, until I find THE MANUAL that gives me all the answers, I’m here processing everything through my writing and sharing those experiences with you. Comments welcome. Join me, won’t you?

One last thing, if you are new here and would like to read the origin story behind my blog’s name, it’s a good one – click here.


Have You Been to the TWA Hotel?

“Up, Up, and Away with TWA! – TWA slogan in the 1960s

If you have ever wanted to travel back in time and your DeLorean is in the shop, I suggest taking the elevator at the JetBlue Terminal at JFK airport in New York, where you will find two buttonsā€” “1960s TWA hotel” and “Present Day JetBlue.” Do yourself a favor and push the top button, exit the elevator, and walk down a long flight tube with red carpeting to the TWA hotel lobby. And for your listening pleasure, a soundtrack of the hits of the 1960s and 1970s plays throughout the public areas.



Welcome to the 1960s!

I visited this groovy hotel (is there another word to describe it?) for a few days at a staff retreat. According to the website, the TWA Hotel was restored and reimagined from the original TWA Flight Center (terminal). At check-in, the staff was dressed in flight uniforms, and the desks looked like you would expect in an airport terminal, complete with a place to weigh your suitcase and a conveyor belt to whisk it away. Fortunately, the computer system was upgraded to 21st-century technology, and I was able to self-check in.

While I waited for my room to be ready, I went exploring. First, IĀ  learned some TWA history:

Then, I checked out a game room that I’m sure no other hotel has availableā€”the Twister Room. Too bad I didn’t have time to play a game. My room was ready.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get too many photos of my hotel room but think red furniture, rotary phones, and this runway-style bathroom mirror.

After a long day of meetings, we relaxed in what’s called the “Connie”ā€”a 1959 Lockheed Constellation “Connie” airplane turned cocktail bar.

A good time was had by all. šŸ™‚

This was a fun place to stay for a team-building event, a quick get-a-way, or a pit-stop on the way to fly somewhere for vacation. The food was delicious and served in branded glasses. The TWA shop has something for everyone with the TWA logo on it. All of the staff treated us as if we were flying the friendly skies. The only complaint I have is that my room was facing the Jet Blue arrival/departure terminal, where I heard people coming and going all night long. So, if you are looking for nostalgia, you are in the right place, but you won’t get the best night’s sleep.

Safe travels!



Goodbye to a First

ā€œYour path at 22 will not necessarily be your path at 32 or 42. Oneā€™s dream is constantly evolving, rising and falling, changing course.ā€ – Conan O’Brien’s Dartmouth Commencement speech


Recently, a trusted friend advised me to remove my first job from my resume. He said it aged me and didn’t add anything to the current iteration of my career. Of course, he’s right. Being an editorial assistant in the mid-90s at a publishing company that no longer exists doesn’t speak to where I am professionally today. But before I delete it entirely from my LinkedIn page and resume, I want to pay homage to that job.

Saunders College Publishing was a division of Harcourt Press and mainly put out math and science textbooks. When I was first hired, my family found it ironic that I’d be working in the math department because I went through hell to earn Bs and Cs in my Algebra II and Geometry classes in high school. But my job in the editorial department had very little to do with math and everything to do with publishing. As an editorial assistant, I supported four editors and saw countless textbooks through the editorial process. I secured and paid reviewers, updated authors with status reports, prepared manuscripts for the art department, and often weighed in on different options for book covers. Somewhere in the world, there is a calculus textbook with my name in the acknowledgments section praising me for a job well done.

I still remember the job interview where I felt I hit a home run with all four editors. My boss, Alexa, and I were big readers and shared a love of historical fiction. Anita had my father as her social studies teacher back in the day. Mark was a die-hard Phillies fan like me. And Terri and I graduated from the same university. GO RAMS!

All of the assistants working at Saunders were recent college graduates. I was excited to see my old friend Caren at one of the desks. We went to West Chester and worked on the student newspaper together. She introduced me to everyone and showed me the ropes. Our building was right by Independence Mall, and we often ate lunch in the park with the other assistants. Besides complaining about our bosses, we also placed frivolous bets on who would be promoted or get engaged next. For a while, there was a string of engagements, including my own, and mornings would be wasted as diamond rings were shown off and wedding planning tips were exchanged.

Besides hanging out with my work friends, I grew quite attached to the large copier in the mailroom, but strictly on a professional level. We had a love/hate relationship. Most of the time, the machine was well-behaved as it spat out several copies of 200-page manuscripts. (We killed a lot of trees back then). But eventually, the Xerox machine would throw a tantrum like a child that no longer wanted to cooperate with its mother. I spent hours in that mailroom begging and pleading with that copier to keep working. When it refused, I pampered it by changing its toner, switching out ink cartridges, and unjamming sheets of paper from mysterious locations deep inside the machine. As I said, we got to know each other well.

Outside the office, I experienced some history in the making. I shook hands with Governor Bill Clinton at a campaign rally behind Independence Hall before he was elected President. And we all gathered around to listen to the news report when the O.J. Simpson verdict came in. And our building was once evacuated after a bomb threat was called into the ATF office a few floors down. In the stairwell, people were crying because this happened shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing. Being on the 12th floor, it took forever for everyone to reach street level, where police and firefighters instructed us to run away from the building. A bunch of us hugged in the park once we realized everyone was safe.

One of my first visits to the west coast was a business trip where I sat with dozens of math teachers to learn the “new math” coming out of Mt. Hood, Oregon. I don’t remember much from that trip except the feeling that I might have done a much better in Algebra and Geometry if this teaching method had existed back then.

Finally, it was time for me to move on. I grew tired of my boss asking me to “fetch” things for her. I thought that verb was more appropriate for her dog than for her assistantā€”and I wasn’t sure if she always knew the difference. It was time to break up with the Xerox machine and leave my friends behind for a new role at another publishing company.

And now, thirty years later, it’s time to leave Saunders behind again. You are officially off my resume, dear friend, but you will never be away from my fondest memories.

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