Archive of ‘Ultimate Blog Challenge’ category

Reading Goals: Then & Now

Hi friends! I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, where I will post a daily blog post all month. That’s 31 blog posts! I look forward to reading other people’s blogs who do this challenge with me. I also really appreciate the likes and comments on my posts. I promise to respond to every single one of them! Thanks in advance for reading. 

As many of you may know, I’m a big ole book nerd, so I wanted to start the new year by reflecting on my reading life over the last 12 months. I had high hopes and managed to check a few things off of my bookworm to-do list.

  • More library visits: I borrowed more books and saved a lot of money. I’m there so often now that the woman at the drive-up window recognizes me. I don’t know her name, but she always greets me with a smile and grabs my books off the reserved cart before I can get out my library card. She also knows I’ll ask for the latest issue of Book Page, a free library magazine with many recommendations. Most libraries carry them; just ask!
  • Discovered a new indie bookstore: We vacationed in Bar Harbor, Maine, in September and stayed at an Airbnb located a few blocks away from Sherman’s Books. I hung out there almost every night after a long day of touring, perusing their shelves that reached from floor to ceiling, talking to the friendly staff, and supporting their business. If I could have found a way to hide myself in that bookstore overnight, it would have been amazing.
  • Summer book project: I reorganized the bookshelves in my house. Now, I have curated shelves in the office, bedroom, and living room. I also cleaned out my kids’ shelves and got rid of several thick SAT guidebooks. The shelves all look so nice, and it has been a joy to rediscover the books I forgot I owned.
  • Book blogs: I wrote many book reviews last year and learned that several readers learned about some great books from my posts. In fact, some of my highest open rates were from my book blogs. If you want to read them, search for “book report” in my blog search bar. And stay tuned for my December book report coming soon. 
  • No Book Buy July: Between borrowing books at the library, organizing my shelves, and refraining from buying books for a month, I enjoyed the books I had instead of buying new ones. It wasn’t easy because I’m always looking for the “it” book that everyone is reading. Plus, July was Amazon Prime Day, where the books were super cheap. And yet, I didn’t buy one book and lived to tell about it.
  • Book stats: I completed 34 books this year. My Goodreads goal was originally 40 titles last January, but then I reduced it to 35 and then again to 33 as the year went on.

2024 Reading Goals

  • Number of books: Today, I set my book challenge to 40 books, hoping to finally reach that magic number.
  • Backlist books: I signed up for the Backlist Book Challenge where each month I read a book or two published in a specific year. Preferably, the books I pick are ones I already own. January has been assigned the year 2012, so I will read The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton and a nonfiction book still to be chosen.
  • Track my books: I downloaded a Google spreadsheet from the women who host the Currently Reading podcast. I want to dig into my reading habits a little more this year, such as where I get my book recommendations, whether I bought or borrowed it, and why I liked or didn’t like specific titles. The more details I provide, the better I’ll know myself as a reader at the end of 2024.
  • Buy less and borrow more: When I buy a book, it has to be from Audible or an indie bookstore, not a big box store or downloaded to Kindle. This way, I’ll have to go out of my way to get to the store and buy it. I will also only buy physical books if there is a long wait at the library or if no one has it and I must read it by a certain date (like for book club). I will keep in mind that I have plenty to read already and learn to tune out the hyped books that everyone is talking about. This is going to be my hardest goal, but I’m putting it out here and willing to give it a shot.

How was your reading year? What bookish goals are you setting for 2024? Let me know in the comments.


Sunday Ramblings

Leaves on the ground and trees in the fall. What a month this has been! So much has happened, and I haven’t been able to keep up with it all. You would think not working would leave me plenty of time to write 31 blog posts this month. But looking for a job is a full-time job, and it’s pretty stressful and draining. Therefore, I haven’t held up my end of the bargain as I had hoped, but I am enjoying the ultimate blog challenge and everyone who writes for it. I’ve also picked up a few new subscribers. You know who you are, and I thank you.

Some good news is that my husband landed a new job. I’m very excited for him, and so proud. I admit it also takes the pressure off of me a little bit now that one of us is employed. Unfortunately, I’m hitting a wall with my search and have received a number of “you are great, but we filled the position” types of emails. These emails are kind of like the “it’s not you, it’s me,” lines from back when I was dating. I keep telling myself that job wasn’t the right one for me and I’m still on my way to finding something I’ll love.

In other news, I got a COVID-19 booster shot on Wednesday, which knocked me out. I forgot to take Tylenol after the shot and paid for it dearly. Four days later, I’m still feeling some side effects. But I think I’m over the hump.

And I’m still trying to get over the Phillies not making it into the World Series. That was a real bummer. With everything that is going on in the world, baseball was a wonderful distraction.

My reading life is a bit stalled, but I did finish two books this month. I also bought a few more books than usual. I’ve been so good at not buying books. I don’t know what came over me, but I can’t say I’m sorry. I’m also still a regular at  my local library. I need to tackle that stack of books next before their due dates come up. I borrowed a newly-released 800 page biography about Madonna. I’m a fan, but I’m not sure I’m that much of a fan. I attended one of her concerts many years ago and consider it one of the worst shows I’d ever been too. I love her music, but she outright refused to play any of her classic hits. That was a missed opportunity for me. Anyway, I doubt I’ll get through the entire biograph, but you never know. I am big on 1980s nostalgia which might keep my interest. Stay tuned.

Finally, I love the fall weather. Even this this weekend was rather warm, I enjoy the leaves changing colors and the scenery. When I’m running errands, I take a little longer to enjoy driving around my area. I feel fortunate to live in a part of the country where we get to experience all four seasons.

Someone remind me that I said that last statement when we are under a foot of snow. 🙂

I think that’s it for tonight. See you all tomorrow.



Lawn Sign or Bullseye?

As I drive around, I see lawn signs along the side of the road promoting candidates running for office. These signs aim to draw the attention of those who drive by in the hopes of gaining some name recognition.

When I get closer to home, I see similar signs advertising the upcoming Turkey Trot 5K race, the fall festival next weekend, and the local contractor installing my neighbor’s new kitchen. All of these lawn signs are innocuous and ubiquitous.

Two weeks ago, my synagogue was selling “I Stand with Israel” lawn signs for congregants to take home and display proudly. I was excited to buy one before they ran out, but when I arrived home, I had second thoughts.

I was afraid to put the sign on my lawn.

Hear me out. I live in a fantastic neighborhood that prides itself on its diversity. Our best friends practice different religions, and we like to celebrate holidays together. My family is far from the only Jewish one on my street and in the community. When the war in Ukraine broke out, many lawn signs and flags popped up in everyone’s front yards. We put one up, too, in support of our Ukrainian neighbors down the street from us.

So, why the hesitation? Why should displaying my “I Stand With Israel” sign be any different?

Because it is different.

Because there is so much misinformation out there about the war between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.

Because people are getting their news from unreliable and unconfirmable sources and taking it at face value. Flashy headlines sell papers. Retractions and apologies are never front and center.

Because Israel is the only country that is blamed for defending itself against its enemies. Antisemitic tropes about Israel’s right to fight against terrorist aggression can be found in syndicated editorial cartoons, podcasts, and college campuses everywhere.

Because there are people in this world who have hate in their hearts, easy access to automatic weapons, and no self-control.

Because this war is against a terrorist group whose sole mission is to eradicate the Jewish people.

While one might say it’s only a lawn sign, I can also see it as putting a target on our front door. I spoke with a few of my Jewish friends about this, and they generally agreed with me. Several of them told me they have started to wonder where they would hide if terrorism came to our doorsteps. I’ve never had that thought in my life until now, and in today’s political climate, it doesn’t seem that far-fetched.

I’m sure other people — Jewish or not — will think I’m overreacting. But, here’s the thing. At the end of the day, I know who I am, and I don’t feel the need to advertise it. Instead, I will continue to wear my Jewish star around my neck, practice my faith, observe holidays, attend synagogue, write my blog. call out misinformation on social media, and pray for strength and peace.

What would you do?



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