Archive of ‘My Reading Life’ category

A Bookish Top 10

The New York Times did a wonderful interview with a British author I’ve never heard of, but I loved her answers to the questions. I thought I’d take some of the same questions and answer them for this post. I hope you read this to the end because there is a bonus question I’d love you to answer.

What is your ideal reading experience?

I love to read on my living room couch with a pillow to prop my head up, so I don’t fall asleep. There is no tv in my living room, which means there are no distractions. I also like to enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of white wine with my book (depending on the time of day). And typically, my dog, Chloe, is curled up next to me on top of my fleece blanket. She likes it when I read aloud to her.

What’s your favorite book that no one has ever heard of?

This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper. Actually, people may have heard of it because it was made into a movie a few years ago starring Jason Bateman and Jane Fonda. It was well cast – but as always – the book was so much better.

Which writers do you admire most?

I love authors who have done their research and come up with stories that I learn from – like
Jodi Piccoult, Lisa Scottoline, Kristin Hannah, Chris Bohjalian, and many others.

How do you organize your books?

I have to tell you about this new app I found for my iPhone called Book Buddy. Remember when you registered for your wedding, and you were allowed to use the barcode scanner to make a list of what you wanted. Wasn’t that fun and so addicting?! After I downloaded this app, I ran around the house and scanned all of my books. I can also mark which books I’ve lent out to other people and which ones I want to buy next. Everything is neatly organized and categorized on my phone, and I love it!

As for my actual books, I keep them on a few shelves in no particular order and off the floor.

What’s the best book you’ve ever received as a gift?

Speaking of registering for things, I wish I could register for books. It would make it so much easier for people who want to buy me a gift. Since I’m sure that kind of registry doesn’t exist, I prefer a gift card to an independent bookstore. If someone really wants to get me a book, I show them my Amazon wishlist or Goodreads account. The best books I receive as gifts are the ones I already picked out for myself but haven’t purchased yet.

What kind of reader were you as a child?

I always asked my parents to read to me when I was little. I learned to read before most kids, and once I did, I was never without a book in my hands. I remember when my mom went shopping for clothes, dad took us to the bookstore. And when I went to yard sales or the local flea market with my dad, he looked for records, and I dug through boxes of books. We both left feeling pretty happy with our purchases. At bedtime, I was the kid who hid a book and a flashlight under my pillow. They never punished me for staying up late to read, so really, my book-buying habit is all my parents’ fault. They unknowingly created a monster.

But, I digress…

How has your reading life changed as you got older?

When I was a kid, I re-read books because I enjoyed them and wanted to read them again. But a lot of those books were easy to read and around 100 pages. I rarely do that now because I don’t have the time, and there are too many new books I want to read. I have a few books that I will never part with and want to read again someday.

What book(s) are you embarrassed to say you haven’t read yet?

To Kill a Mockingbird and anything by Jane Austen. Terrible, right? Please don’t tell anyone.

What is on your nightstand right now?

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
The Writer’s Guide to Persistence

What book do you plan to buy next?

This one and this one. Oh, and probably, this one. But none of them until June 1st, when my month-long book buying fast is over.

One final question for you – What do you want to ask me about reading? If you ask. I’ll probably write about it in a future blog post!

Have Book, Will Travel

windmills in Mykonos GreeceHere is a piece of advice for you. Don’t bring a real page-turner kind of book on your honeymoon. Yes, I admit that while we were enjoying the sandy beaches in Mykonos, Greece, my mind sometimes wandered elsewhere. In between seeing the larger-than-life windmills, enjoying authentic Mediterranean cuisine, and drinking copious amounts of ouzo, I was also lost in the streets of Washington, D.C. I was reading The Tenth Justice by Brad Meltzer.

Oh, I was right in there with those young law clerks who were fortunate enough to work next to Supreme Court Justices. I got caught up in the politics, secrets, betrayal, and mystery of it all. Who wouldn’t?

I intended to read it on the seven-hour flight to Athens. But, the book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. Thankfully my husband forgave me. In my defense, he knew who he married. 🙂 I didn’t go anywhere without a book or two in hand. Besides, we had the rest of our lives together. What can I say? I had to know how the book ended!

Over the years, books have served as my tour guides. Right now, I am reading about 1950’s Hollywood and the starlets who did everything possible to make their dreams come true. In this novel, not only do I get to explore new and exotic locations  – like film sets and mansions – but I also get to do a little time travel. It is fun to plant myself in the land of the rich and famous. The book is all glamour and grit at their very best.

And since we haven’t been able to travel due to the pandemic, the next best thing has been discovering new countries and historical periods from the comfort of my couch. Here is where I’ve been so far:

Where have you traveled to in your reading life? And where do you hope to go next? In the meantime, I’m going to look for a nice historical fiction novel set in the Greek Islands.


Weekend Makeover

Saturdays and Sundays used to be all about the kids and their activities. When they were little, we averaged around two birthday parties a weekend per kid. With two kids, this could add up to four parties in one weekend – sometimes on the same day at the same time. It was exhausting, but it is now fun to look at photos from the parties and see how little they and their friends were. Back then, high school and college seemed so far away.

As they got older, I dropped them off, picked them back up at practices, and sat on the sidelines cheering them on at the soccer/baseball games. This is all part of being a mom, and of course, I enjoyed every minute of it. But sometimes, I couldn’t wait for them to get their own driver’s licenses so they could get themselves to practice on their own. Now, I miss the car rides and the conversations.

Now that the kids are young adults, there isn’t as much running around as there used to be. In some ways, life has slowed down, but the weekends still go by so fast. I’ve had to learn how to spend quality time with myself outside of running errands and watching Law and Order all weekend long. I am definitely in need of a weekend makeover.

One of the things I missed when I was out with the kids was time to read. I think this is why I accumulated all these books but never actually got around to reading them. When the kids were little, the only time I could read was when I got my allergy shot and had to wait 30 minutes to make sure I didn’t have a reaction. I read many books in that doctor’s office, and sometimes I’d stay in the waiting room a little longer to finish a chapter.

Nowadays, I can carve out plenty of time for reading on the weekends. In the morning, you will likely find me on the couch with a cup of coffee and a book in hand. During the day, when I’m running errands, I’ll take a book with me in case I need something to do while I’m waiting for my number to be called at the deli counter. And when I start to get drawn into an episode of Law and Order, admittedly, I still watch it, but I’ll read a magazine during the commercials.

For me, Saturdays are sacred for me-time and family time. Sundays are for getting ready for Mondays. 🙂

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