Archive of ‘Life Without A Manual’ category

My iPhone addiction

“You are on your phone too much.”

“You aren’t listening. Put your phone away.”

One might think these are the words of a mom fighting an uphill battle with their kids about screen time. But in my case, you would be wrong.

Recently, the tables have turned, and my kids have called me out for being on my iPhone too much. And they aren’t wrong. Even my husband has mentioned my slow response time when he needs me. I don’t have the heart to tell him sometimes that’s due to my selective hearing. 😉

Did you know the psychological term for this is nomophobia. While I’m not disagreeing with this diagnosis, I don’t think I need to seek professional help just yet.

My therapist and family may disagree.

While it is true that I am guilty of watching too many Reels, I also have a hard time unplugging, even for just a few hours. Something always sucks me back in. Let’s face itmy entire life is on the damn thing. There are so many things in life to juggle, and the nice thing about the iPhone is that so much of it can be managed at my fingertips. However, the iPhone tends to be super-glued to my hands, and I can’t shake it off no matter how hard I try.  Just look at some of the things I’m doing on my phone when I’m not watching clips of cute dogs being well….cute.

I start my day playing Wordle and Connections while drinking my coffee, and then I have breakfast.

I log my meals and calculate the Weight Watchers points in the app after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I check the weather before going outside to walk the dog. How cold is it? Does she need her little grey fur coat, or can she go without it?

I take several photos of her wearing her fur coat in the snow and send the best ones in the family group chat.

I answer all the messages that come through.

I read Facebook posts, scroll through Instagram to see what my kids are up to, and check LinkedIn for the latest job postings.

I post and then comment on other people’s posts.

I look to see what time it is even though I have a Fitbit on my wrist. Then, I check the Fitbit app to ensure my steps are synching properly with my device.

I text.

I e-mail.

I Google.

I Venmo.

I make grocery lists.

I track my StitchFix order that was supposed to arrive two days ago.

I read the reminders for doctor’s appointments and then log in to fill out all the forms.

I check my email for the passcode to verify it is really me.

I listen to podcasts.

I look up recipes.

I write notes to myself.

I set alarms so I don’t miss any appointments.

And the list goes on and on.

The point is that I can’t just put it down and walk away. I hate being so reliant on this device. I lost the Notes app this week and nearly had a conniption fit. And then I realized I had no idea what I saved there anyway, so one less thing to check.

On the other hand, I don’t want to miss out on conversations. I want to be present and notice the world around me. Books are waiting for me to read. Carving out time to exercise is essential. My list of 24 things to do in 2024 needs to be tackled.

These are the things I know my iPhone can never deliver.



No Notes

My Notes app went missing this week. I downloaded the app again, and no luck. There is no trace of my grocery lists, the start of several blog posts, meeting notes, job hunting to-dos, website links, random reminders, and thoughts I just needed to put somewhere until I could find pen and paper.

I don’t know what happened to it. Did I overload it with too many ideas? Is this a sign that I’m giving myself too much to do? Did I accidentally break the app? Could it not take any more of my hopes and dreams and foods from Trader Joe’s to try?

Maybe it was all the screenshots I took of my solved Wordle puzzles. I’m too good at it, and pissed off the app.

Yep, that’s probably it.

Whatever the reason, I’m hoping I don’t have to start all over again. I just saw someone post the same issue on Facebook, and 44 people commented. Looks like I’m not the only one dealing with this issue.

Therefore, I’m making this a short post tonight so i can dive into the rabbit hole of the internet and hopefully come out successful.



Small Changes Make A Difference

I’m a fan of The Lazy Genius podcast, whose tagline is “helping you with the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t. Today’s episode is titled “10 Small Changes I’m Glad I Made.” After she listed hers, I created a list of my own. I’m not sure I’ll hit ten things, but let’s see how it goes.

  1. Trash bags – I put an empty trash bag or two underneath the current one I’m using. When I’m ready to throw the current bag in the outside bin, another bag is underneath to open and put in place. It’s super convenient.
  2. Folding laundry – I used to fold laundry in front of the TV in the den. Here is the problem with this: I don’t watch a lot of TV. So, the piles sit there until I get around to it. Now, I’m taking the laundry out of the dryer and dumping the clothes on the dining room table. I don’t like a big mess for everyone to see, nor do I want people to see my underwear. So, this small change motivates me to fold all the clothes and put them away as fast as possible.
  3. Practical Medicine – I’m supposed to take one medication in the morning. I used to forget because the container lived in my cabinet with the rest of our prescriptions. By the time I remembered to take it, the morning would be over, and sometimes I skipped a dose. Now, I put that medicine downstairs where I make breakfast, so I see it and remember to take it.
  4. What’s for dinner? – Before I go to the supermarket, I decide what I’m making for dinner that week and make sure I have everything I need. This decreases the number of times I have to go back to the store during the week. I also set aside Wednesdays or Thursdays for leftovers so they get eaten and don’t go bad.
  5. Restocking – On weekends, I restock the bathrooms with tissue boxes and toilet paper rolls. While there, I throw hand towels in the laundry basket and bring the trash downstairs to put away. I’ll take another minute to see if anything needs to be put away. The whole process takes no more than five minutes per bathroom and means less aggravation when someone runs out of toilet paper.
  6.  First-Aid – I cleared off a shelf in our hallway linen closet and corralled all our Band-Aids, cortisone creams, Neosporin, aloe lotion, thermometers, and ace bandages. And although they aren’t necessarily considered first aid, I collected all of our COVID test kits and added them to the shelf. This way, we don’t have to search the entire house for one when we aren’t feeling well.
  7. Monday Trash Day – According to our township, the garbage trucks come down our street on Tuesday morning to remove our trash. But in my house, Monday is trash day. I go through every room with a few large bags and throw away what is obviously trash. Along the way, I’ll find empty plastic bottles and other recyclables to add to the bin. Once finished, I put everything outside and roll the trash cans to the curb. No more running out of the house in my pajamas to throw out one more thing.
  8. Items for the Car – If I’m going out, I look around the house to see if I need to drop off or pick anything up. This past week, I had two library books, some dry cleaning, and something to return to the store.
  9. Set an alarm on my iPhone – Time flies during the day, and before I know it, I need to be somewhere. Setting an alarm on my phone 30 minutes before a meeting is super helpful because my phone is always with me. Thirty minutes leaves me enough time to get myself together and get out of the house (or set up Zoom on my laptop) on time.
  10. 99-cent cards – I have a drawer in my bedroom full of 99-cent cards for birthdays, thank yous, and other occasions. There is always a special day for someone around the corner. And these cards are pretty nice. Some are thoughtful. Others are funny. I usually find exactly what I need when I open that drawer. 

Okay, it’s your turn. What small changes have you made that have made a difference?! Or, what change do you want to make in the near future? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.



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