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My 2021 Word of the Year

Why do I do this? Yes, picking a word of the year is kind of gimmicky and definitely trendy for bloggers like me. But, when taken seriously, it can be rewarding. Some years I’ve picked a word, and by the end of the month, I’ve completely forgotten what I chose. Other years, one word fueled my passions. In 2018, I chose the word “coffee” – and invited friends and family to join me for a cup of joe and conversation. While it may have been a little self-serving because I am a big coffee drinker, the friendships I’ve built and grown and the connections I’ve made continue to flourish to this day.

Last year, I picked “believe” as my word of the year. I’d say that worked out well for me. When I was furloughed from my job over the summer, I believed I was given the gift of time. I had faith that there was a better opportunity for me and my career, and thankfully, I found it. I believed in being resilient in the face of change personally and in the new normal we are experiencing. I’d say that “believe” was the right choice for me in 2020.

Choosing a word is no easy task. I want the word I select for 2021 to represent what I need in my life right now and what I can do without. I want the word to be what gets me out of bed in the morning with each sunrise and have a daily focus or mantra that helps me become an even better version of myself.

Sounds like a tall order, right?! 🙂

At first, I chose the word “comfort.” We could all use some comfort these days. After the year we’ve just been through, why wouldn’t I want to embrace this word and take full advantage of what it includes. I can live in my comfort zone, enjoy comfort food, and buy fleece blankets and fuzzy socks to my heart’s content.

Yes, comfort would be nice. But, the word didn’t feel strong enough to me. It didn’t resonate and quite frankly sounded a little lazy. And, I guess I didn’t want to get too comfortable.

So, I gave it some more thought. I’m turning 50 this year (next month!), and it is natural to look at life thus far and take inventory of where I’m at and where I want to go. I wrote a few thoughts down about this milestone birthday. The themes that kept coming up were that I didn’t want to worry about what happened in the past because I am powerless to change it. And I don’t want my “Type A” self to set a ton of goals and plans to wrap my head around that go too far into the future. And honestly, that would stress me out more than serve as motivation.

And then – like a sunrise – it dawned on me. I want to be more present in my life, less distracted. I want to put my cell phone down when people talk to me – especially my husband and my children. I wish to choose baby steps over giant leaps. I don’t want to worry about my mistakes or what could happen next month or next year or in the years to come. I want to focus my energy on TODAY.

My 2021 word of the year is TODAY. I will count my blessings, practice kindness, and listen to my heart. I will be productive but calm. I will let go of what I can’t control. I will breathe.

I will ask myself – What can I do TODAY to improve myself, to help others, and to feel accomplished? How will I take better care of myself TODAY? What will I do that brings me joy TODAY? Who can I learn from TODAY? How can I make someone else’s life a little easier TODAY?

I have to tell you that I’m so happy with this word. I want TODAY to take me out of my comfort zone and help me grow. Who knows where TODAY will take me, but what a great reason to get out of bed in the morning and find out! And of course, I’ll report back here what I’ve learned and experienced.

If you want to pick a word, here are some questions you can ask yourself. What do I want to do differently in 2021? What can I do better? What do I want less of in the coming year? How do I want to feel at the end of the day?

Everyone’s word of the year is different and true to themselves. You may see people choose other words and wonder why you didn’t choose it for yourself. Pick a word that means something to you, and it will be the right one. And I hope you will let me know when you figure it out.

Buh-Bye, 2020!

Dear 2020,
Don’t let the door kick you in the tush on your way out. Buh-bye.
Love, Elisa

P.S. Actually, 2020, maybe I’m a little unfair to you. Not everything has been awful.

Yes, I was furloughed from my job and found myself collecting unemployment for the first time in my life–and during a global pandemic, no less. But, I found an even better job. One where my talents are maximized, my work and input are appreciated, and where I am fairly compensated.

And yes, I was really sick at the end of February into March, which I’m guessing was probably COVID-19. At the time, I wasn’t sick enough to qualify for testing (which was scarce then). I thank G-d every day that it was a mild case, but I hope I’m never that sick again.

I suppose, 2020, that there have been some good things that happened this year. I’ve seen my kids in a completely different light as they successfully navigate both their academic careers and (semi-) social lives while staying safe. I always made it a priority to teach them kindness and resilience in life. Watching them over the past year, I’ve seen so many ways in which that message has been well-received.

I’ve learned how to ask for help from friends, family, and even total strangers. We all need help from time to time, and 2020 has been the year that I asked for what I needed and gave back where I could reciprocate. I’ve met some wonderful people and expanded my professional network. I benefited from their career advice and their willingness to introduce me to people who helped me get ahead. Come to think of it, losing my job may have been the best thing that happened to me this year.

Um, thanks, COVID?

Ok, 2020, you gave me all of the above plus Joe Biden, Randy Rainbow, Disney+, genius late-night talk show hosts, time to read books and do jigsaw puzzles, and that unforgettable night of laughing hysterically with Scott and the kids while playing Cards Against Humanity. And seriously, so much more that I can be truly grateful for. So, I guess some thanks are in order.

But, you also made me worry about everything from my mail and my groceries to my family and friends. I haven’t seen my parents or my extended family and larger circle of friends nearly as much as I normally do this time of year. COVID-19 changed me from a news junkie to a more casual consumer of current events for my own sanity. In 2020, I increased my screen time by 1000 percent. My waistline has expanded as well. And, I have more face masks, wipes, and Purell than I know what to do with and hopefully won’t need for much longer.

For better and for worse, you changed me, 2020. All I ask is for a much happier and healthier 2021 for everyone.

Buh-Bye, 2020…it’s been – you know – unprecedented.

On This Giving Tuesday…

I’m not sure if I learned about tikkun olam – repairing the world – when I was in Hebrew school. My rabbi and teachers may have talked about it, but I probably wasn’t paying attention. What I do know is that I’ve been practicing tikkun olam my entire life.

From raising money for developmentally disabled people in my youth to launching major fundraising campaigns and events for the Jewish community and for childhood cancer families, giving back to those in need is something I take to heart and have passed along to my children. It has also been the focus of my career.

After spending 10 years working in the publishing world, I decided to switch to nonprofit organizations. During a recent job search, people kept asking me if I would consider going back to corporate or for-profit work. While I thought about it, this was never my preference. I am highly motivated to help others, and so it’s important to incorporate that into every aspect of my life — including my job.

For the past 15+ years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and interviewing families going through some incredibly trying times. They are the real people behind the fancy marketing and branding, who benefit from your support. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to listen to and share their stories with the world.

Today is Giving Tuesday. It was created when two organizations, the 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation, came together in 2012, about a month before that year’s Thanksgiving, to set aside a day that was all about celebrating the generosity of giving. From there, a great American tradition was born.

Each of us has a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Have you checked in on them lately? How has their year been? In 2020, most nonprofits saw a decline in donations because of COVID-19. Some charities had to close their doors. Others are struggling to keep their programs and services running. And the people they help and the issues they champion haven’t disappeared. In fact, the need is even greater.

Today is the day to practice a little tikkun olam.

What important causes are you donating to today?

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