A July To-Do List

At my age, I’m pretty good at juggling. I have personal and professional goals and a bunch of errands and projects that I need to tackle. There are a lot of balls in the air, and I like to make lists so that nothing drops. And once I make that list, there is nothing better than checking things off it!

So, I thought I’d kick off the Ultimate Blog Challenge with my July to-do list. As you will see, it is chock-full of big-ticket items and things I’ve been putting off but need to deal with soon. So, without further adieu, here is what I’ve got so far:

  • Support my daughter, Jenna, as she begins her senior year of college and thinks about her post-graduation life. As a history major, I’ve been there before. A liberal arts degree is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t always provide a straight path to success. There are lots of twists and turns and still so much “finding herself” that she has to do. But, there are plenty of options out there, and I know she will find them.
  • Shop and pack up my youngest child and recent high school grad, Andrew, for move-in day at Drexel University
    • Follow-up item: Emotionally prepare for his move-in day and begin to envision my life as an empty nester. Playlist suggestions and helpful mantras are welcome!
  • Plan our upcoming vacation. That’s right, I am about launch two healthy, kind, and intelligent children into the world, and become an empty nester. What am I going to do next? I’m going to Disney World!
    • That reminds me…find a podiatrist and make an appointment to see them about my most recent medical development – plantar fasciitis. Ouch! Also, schedule my 3rd COVID-19 booster and first shingles shot.
  • Catch up on my Goodreads goal. Currently, I am three books behind schedule. Also, make a solemn pledge not to buy any more books until I read through the ones I already have on my bookshelf, Kindle, and Audible account. Then, let out a maniacal laugh, and pick a day to visit my local indie bookseller.
  • Interview candidates to be my new associate at work. Say a little prayer every night that I hire an amazingly qualified person who is a perfect fit for our organization.
  • Research and purchase a new ring light for my home office – preferably one with a built-in filter that makes me look ten years younger.
  • Order a tube of “Fresh Breasts” – a revolutionary product that alleviates sweat and stickiness in the under boob area. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about, right?! It even comes in a fragrance-free, quick-drying formula. It received excellent reviews, but G-d only knows what subsequent recommendations I will receive after I place my order. Oh, and do I want to sign up for their company newsletter? I do not.
  • Reorder supplies for my CPAP machine so the sleep apnea police stop stalking me with endless reminders via email and text. They are annoying and relentless.
  • Finish the list of questions I want to ask my parents for the memoir I’m writing (more on that later). Note to self: Remind mom to book a hotel room for our family trip to Boston next month.
  • Write my daily blog post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

For those who don’t know, the Ultimate Blog Challenge is an online community of bloggers participating in a month-long writing challenge. I am not a first-timer, but I’m also not a regular. I’ve only completed this challenge twice in my tenure. Writing 31 consecutive posts in 31 days is definitely a challenge, but I am up to the task! I’ve decided that this month’s theme will focus on the pros and cons of middle age. I’ll also drop in some summer book reviews and random off-topic posts when the mood strikes me.

Anyway, I have plenty of stories to share, and I hope you enjoy them. Also, I LOVE it when people comment on my posts. It lets me know that I’m not just writing for myself or into the endless pit of cyberspace.

Let’s do this!



13 comments on A July To-Do List

  1. Kebba Buckley Button
    July 1, 2022 at 8:02 pm (3 years ago)

    Elisa, welcome back! Hey, your list for this month is even more beefy than mine! But let’s do this! <3

  2. Martha
    July 1, 2022 at 2:52 pm (3 years ago)

    What an excited list! Fresh Breasts, now that’s interesting, looking forward to reading your review on that product!

  3. Julie Jordan Scott
    July 1, 2022 at 2:36 pm (3 years ago)

    My mantra for daily use in July is “I am happy and excited when I receive texts, calls and emails from my family.” This would have worked when my kids were off at college, too. One still is and my entire family including extended family cause my nerves to be on edge when they reach out to me which is not how it ought to be! Grief, extreme illness and call to caregiving cause this.

    May your to-do’s easily become ta-da’s!

    My library stack keeps getting higher and I do my best to process through them. This morning it was steamy poetry from a collection by Caroline Kennedy. (GASP!) I am ahead on my reading, but probably because January and February were super productive.

  4. Victoria Juster
    July 1, 2022 at 12:03 pm (3 years ago)

    Love your list, Elisa. So many wonderful things happening for you, thanks for sharing! Disneyworld sounds like a great vacation.

  5. Amanda
    July 1, 2022 at 11:22 am (3 years ago)

    Great Idea to great a July to-do List! I think I might copy your idea. Thank you.

    • Elisa
      July 1, 2022 at 11:39 am (3 years ago)

      Feel free! Can’t wait to read it. 🙂

  6. Kimberly W
    July 1, 2022 at 11:19 am (3 years ago)

    Wow, Elisa, this is quite a list! Glad you have a super fun vacation planned as you navigate a significant shift in your life.

    I’m also going to check out Fresh Breasts, what an idea!

    I’m in Goodreads too, just got caught up so I’m “on track” now. Hoping to keep that consistent.

    Looking forward to reading more blogs from you!

    • Elisa
      July 1, 2022 at 11:38 am (3 years ago)

      Thanks, Kimberly. Good to meet you!

  7. Tamara
    July 1, 2022 at 9:27 am (3 years ago)

    Elisa, truly your plate is full! I applaud you for still taking part in this UBC!!!

    I like that planning a vacation is one of your items though 🙂
    Sorry to hear you suffer from plantar fasciitis, does it hurt badly?
    “Fresh Breasts” sounds like a good product to have. Is it TMI if I tell you I stuff kitchen towels underneath my bra? Boob sweat is a bi***.
    I put together a top ten happy song list a while back, maybe there are some that may help you overcome the empty nester blues (HUGS to you!):

    Happy Blogging, great to see you again!

    • Elisa
      July 1, 2022 at 11:38 am (3 years ago)

      Kitchen towels! LOL – Love it! Thanks for the top ten list. I saw some good ones in there. Much appreciated.

  8. Michelle Garrett
    July 1, 2022 at 9:10 am (3 years ago)

    I love your list, Elisha! This makes this goal-setting Diva’s heart happy 🙂 I’m totally checking out Fresh Breasts. I wonder, can I use it in other areas – like these thighs of mine that are trying to hinder my morning walks?

    Congratulations to you on this new stage of life. I’m taking notes from others so I can slowly start preparing. My youngest is just starting 5th grade, so I’ve got some time. We’ve got two who just finished college and one starting high school.

    Happy Reading! I’ve completely neglected my Good Reads account and now I’m inspired to go check back over with that community. Thank you!

    • Elisa
      July 1, 2022 at 11:37 am (3 years ago)

      Thanks, Michelle! I bet if you sign up for the newsletter they will have other products like that. But, I’ve always used baby powder for that issue. Looking forward to reading more from you.