Posts Tagged ‘#aboutme’

My Thursday 3

Inspired by my Facebook friend and fellow writer, Julie Jordan Scott, here are three things about me that describe my everyday life, along with 3 “in the moment” facts about myself, right here, right now. Thanks, Julie, for getting me out of my writing slump.

  1. Six months ago, I launched my consulting business, and while it’s a slow build, things are progressing, and I love every minute of it. In fact, I’ve spent so much time working that I have neglected my bookshelves. Summer is typically my best time to read. I love sitting outside on my patio and losing myself in a beach read or a celebrity memoir. However, I’ve been so busy working and networking that I barely touched my TBR list. This month, I read “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore, a 5-star book in my opinion. While I’m thankful that this book was a winner and worth the hype, I wish I had finished more books this season. But I won’t beat myself up over it. Fall is coming, and cooler nights by the firepit feel like I’m being given a second chance to jump back into my reading life.

  2. It is difficult for me to find clothes I like that fit me well and are within my price point. A few weeks ago, I visited one of the largest malls in the country, the King of Prussia Mall, in search of any cute dresses to take on vacation and a black belt. Sadly, I left empty-handed. The mall is a young person’s land of abundance and a fashion desert for the rest of us. The funny thing is that my kids purchase most of their wardrobes online instead of in person. This is likely the reason why malls are like ghost towns these days.

    Having said all this, I went to the mall today because I saw a dress online that happened to be in the store. I thought I’d save the shipping and buy it in person. Unfortunately, I was unimpressed when I tried it on, so I left empty-handed. On the way to the parking lot, I walked through Macy’s, and a cute dress caught my eye. I tried it on, instantly fell in love with it, and went to purchase it. But because I didn’t have my store credit card, the salesperson had to call customer service. Five minutes later, I spoke to the representative, who informed me that I needed my husband’s authorization to use the card. Ten minutes later, I was driving home without said dress. What year is this…1970?!

  3. I’m struggling to come up with a third thing right now because I’m sitting in a library that is barely air-conditioned. Why didn’t I bring my portable neck fan with me? I’m starting to get very warm and am probably on the verge of a hot flash. I could also be sweating bullets because I have a lot of work to do before I go on vacation. It’s time to go home and stand in front of the fan or the refrigerator, or both.

