January Wrap-Up
January has been a busy month of reading and writing, job hunting and freelancing, and networking and napping. Believe me, the naps were taken out of necessity, not laziness. On the last day of January and this blog challenge, here are some of my successes this month.
- I wrote 28 blog posts this month! The goal is 31, but I consider this a win. The days I decided not to post were due to long days, technical difficulties, and a little burnout. Besides these posts, I have written numerous cover letters, updated my LinkedIn page, composed a few things for submission, and drafted some e-newsletters and social media posts for others. I also enrolled in a writing workshop and put together some pieces that are not yet ready for the general public. Maybe someday I’ll post them. Overall, it has been a productive writing month.
- I read four fantastic books, which is 1/12 of my reading goal for the year. My book reviews seem pretty popular, so I will continue to put those together. And please keep sending me your recommendations!
- I’ve been working on a project that has been years in the making. It’s not the book I keep talking about, although I’m making progress with my essay collection/memoir. I can’t give you any details just yet, but I’m excited and hope to share more with you soon.
Looking Ahead
February is my birthday month! I will turn another year older and wiser in a few weeks. I will finish up my Chat GPT certification soon and earn another certificate in social media for nonprofits. I’ve got four more books on my nightstand to enjoy and another month of blogging with a few naps in between. 🙂
Thank You!
Thanks for reading my posts, everyone. And special thanks to my Ultimate Blog Challenge family. It is an honor and privilege to write and share my posts with you. If anyone reading this has a blog for their business or pleasure and wants to learn more about this challenge let me know. We are a supportive online group who want to hear your stories or learn from your area of expertise. The next month-long challenge is in April. Let’s talk.
February 1, 2024 at 2:32 am (1 year ago)Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!
What did you learn at the writing workshop and how does one get a Chat GPT certification? I use it from time to time for fun.
January 31, 2024 at 11:17 pm (1 year ago)Yes that is a busy month and you are already rolling into February with out missing a step. Good news, as a reward, you will be given an extra day this month to get it all done and take a nap too.
Congratulations and blog on!