Rainy Days Aren’t So Bad

The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house.
All that cold, cold, wet day.”

– from The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss

Yes, it is Memorial Day weekend, and the sun should be out. After all, it is the official start of summer. Here on the East Coast, we’ve already had a few days of warm weather. So, I can say I’ve already had a taste of summer. It would have been nice to sit by the pool today, but there is always tomorrow.

Oh, rain is in the forecast tomorrow? Ok, how about Monday? Can we sit outside on Monday? Let me check…Yes, Monday is looking good!

In the meantime, rainy days have never bothered me. I am more productive when it rains. The laundry gets done. Our Costco run is behind us. And soon, this post will be written.

Here are a few other reasons I love the rain.

  1. Rain washes away all of the pollen. – Springtime for me is allergy season. I can’t seem to walk around the block without running into someone mowing the lawn, and the grass is flying everywhere. There is pollen on the ground and just about everywhere else. But, after a good rainstorm, I can breathe a lot easier.
  2. Walking the dog in the rain does not take long –  Our dog, Chloe, does not like the rain.
    I tried to get her to go outside, but she dove under the bed. I got the message. On rainy days, she wants to cuddle up with us on the couch and sleep, which is fine by me. And when she has to go, she jumps off the front step, does her business, and comes right back into the house. No one has to stand outside and get wet on her behalf. It is very considerate of her.
  3. Reading on rainy days is my favorite pastime. – I can’t help it. A hot beverage, warm blanket, comfy couch, cute dog, and a great book is the perfect reading environment. And, if you aren’t in the mood to read, you can always watch the Friends reunion. I enjoyed it immensely!
  4. Memorial Day sales  – Working from home full-time gives me cabin fever on the weekends. So, when my daughter invited me to a late Mother’s Day brunch, I happily accepted. We wound up spending the entire afternoon shopping for summer dresses and sandals – knowing that someday soon, the sun will come out again.

5 comments on Rainy Days Aren’t So Bad

  1. Dr Renee Cohn Jones
    June 1, 2021 at 6:25 pm (3 years ago)

    I can relate to Chloe! I will still go for a walk in the rain, and appreciate all it is doing for the plants, but I sooo want to climb back under the covers to cuddle. 🙂

  2. Florence Callender
    May 30, 2021 at 1:19 am (3 years ago)

    It was a rainy day in my neck of the woods too. My grass and flowers were happy about it. They seem to thrive so much better with rainwater than water from the tap. The only downside was that I missed my afternoon walk.

    • Elisa
      May 30, 2021 at 7:39 pm (3 years ago)

      I missed my walk too. It rained again today, but hopeful that tomorrow will be much nicer.

  3. Martha
    May 29, 2021 at 8:44 pm (3 years ago)

    I would love to see a few raining days! It is so dry our grass is non-existent, looks like a hay field. But I am thankful for the beautiful flowers that are blooming because they don’t need rain! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

    • Elisa
      May 30, 2021 at 7:39 pm (3 years ago)

      You too, Martha!