Archive of ‘My Reading Life’ category

Writing about Reading

For this month’s Ultimate Blog Challenge, I am going out of my comfort zone. You may have already noticed that I am sticking to one topic – reading –  and writing about it the entire time. For those of you who have followed my blog, this will be a little different than my normal schtick. I’ve given this a lot of thought and feel like it is the right time for something new, and here is why.

  1. Getting Published – I’ve been doing a lot of writing between blog challenges, including a 2500-word personal essay on surviving COVID-19 and its impact on different parts of my life. I would love to share bits and pieces of that story with you, but I’m shopping it around to be published. And unfortunately, if I publish the story on my blog, it is not considered original material and, therefore, no longer eligible for submission. I’ll keep you posted if it gets accepted anywhere! I promise.
  2. My Reading Life – Maybe you and I share a common love of great stories. Whether you have a TBR pile as tall as mine (65 fiction books!) or are a summer reader or a patron of your local library, I think you will find there is plenty to talk about. And if you aren’t a reader or haven’t picked up a book in a while, maybe I’ll inspire you to give it another go.
  3. Books Open Up New Things to Discuss – If a book does its job, it will lead to questions about any number of topics to write about here. Recently, I read two books about living with regrets – The Midnight Library and Cleo McDougal Regrets Nothing. After reading the first book, our book club had an interesting discussion about what our lives would be like if we made different choices. As you can imagine, some fascinating revelations came to light. This topic alone made for great conversation. This is what books do – shine a light on aspects of life that we don’t often think about and then talk about it. There are discussions to be had on a wide range of issues, and books often serve as the icebreakers.
  4. Change is Good –  I’ve written plenty of posts about my kids, my dog, my job, my religion, my anxiety, and my everyday life. I’m not saying I won’t get back to that kind of writing because I most definitely will. Writing about reading is actually a pretty personal thing for me. Focusing on books might serve a bigger purpose. I can take a deep dive into my own interests, learn something new, and find ways to connect with others on a new level.
  5. I’m Still Looking for the Manual – As we all know, none of us are born with a “life manual,” but we can learn so much from books. This time next year, I will be an empty nester (or pretty close to it). I’ll be honest with you – I’m not looking forward to it. But, I need more information and inspiration that will prepare me for this next chapter. Who am I without my kids needing me 24-7? How will it affect my marriage? Will I be lonely? What can I expect, and what should I watch out for as I begin to figure things out? While I know I have people in my life who will advise me (and I am all ears!), I find that books are a reliable source when facing new challenges and opportunities.

All of this is to say that I have concerns that I will lose you as a reader if you are not interested in this particular topic. So much so that I felt like I had to defend my decision to take this new path. But, to grow as a writer and a reader, this is a risk I must take. I hope you understand and will stick around, comment on posts, and cheer me on. Thanks!

Top 5 Ways to Fix a Reading Slump

I met up with a friend at a nearby store the other day, and she said, “I knew it was you because I saw you reading your book.” Guilty as charged.

Right now, I’m on a pretty good reading streak. I’m picking up one book after another, DNF-ing the ones I don’t want to read, and selecting titles that I already own instead of buying new ones. But there have been plenty of times that I’ve gotten in a bit of a slump. A slump is a bit like burnout for avid readers. We want to read but just can’t for any number of reasons – daily distractions, errands to run, or things like your day job. And then, when we sit down to read, we can’t relax and enjoy it. Instead, we lose our reading mojo and wonder if we will ever get it back.

Here are some things I do to spark my interest in reading again.

  1. Try a new genre – Sometimes, I need to change things up a bit by reading a completely different type of book. I switch from fiction to nonfiction. Or I sink my teeth into a juicy celebrity tell-all. (Brat-Pack movie star Andrew McCarthy just came out with a new one, and I can’t wait to buy it!) I will even try out a YA (young adult) novel. A brand new generation of YA writers has made a good impression on me, like Rainbow Rowell and Angie Thomas.
  2.  Go to the library or bookstore – Shopping online is perfect when I know what book (or, in my case, books 🙂 ) I want, but sometimes I need to put myself in the right atmosphere to select my next read. Next time you are in a slump, stroll through the aisles and look at the titles to see what jumps out at you. Ask the librarian or bookstore owner to make some recommendations too!
  3. Download a book on your phone – For a while, I was a HUGE book snob and considered listening to a book in my car, not really reading. But I was 100% wrong. I’ve discovered that it takes just as much concentration to listen to a story in my car as it does to sit down and read an actual book. And when a book is well-narrated, it can spark your imagination and entertain you in a whole new way.
  4. Read a short story – The last thing I want to do when I’m in a slump is pick up the latest 500-page novel and force myself to read it. I’d much rather prefer choosing some wonderful short story collections or essays. A few that come to mind are written by David Sedaris or Lisa Scottoline, but there are so many good ones out there. Take your pick!
  5. Don’t sweat the slump – Finally, maybe you just aren’t in the mood to read, and that’s completely fine too. Take some time off. Clean out a closet, binge-watch a show on Netflix or start a jigsaw puzzle. When you are ready to pick up a book again, you will do it with newfound enthusiasm.

What do you do when you are in a reading slump?

The April Book Report

I used to look forward to packing my weekends with people to see and places to go, but thanks to COVID, I’m delighted with quieter Saturdays and Sundays. After a busy week at work, all I want to do is curl up on the sofa with my favorite blanket and a good book. Luckily, I used my downtime wisely because April was another busy month of reading.

Today, I have three books to review – I thoroughly enjoyed one of them. I managed to finish another, but sadly one might land in the dreaded DNF (did not finish) pile. It is rare for me to add a book to the DNF list, but it is one of those books that I had high hopes for, but it just isn’t doing it for me. But let’s get to the good ones first!

As a side note, I do not receive any commission if you buy a book from these links. All I ask is that you consider buying the book from your local independent bookstore. Amazon has enough of our hard-earned money, don’t you think?

Writers and Lovers by Lily King

Writers and Lovers paperback bookIt was the opening scene that hooked me into this book right away. Casey’s landlord catches her outside and peppers her with intrusive questions about her book. And then, he has the nerve to say the most obnoxious thing that no writer wants to hear. “I just find it extraordinary that you think you have something to say.”  I wanted to slap him. Once I have someone to root for in a book, the story has my complete and undivided attention. Casey is a writer and a waitress who is dealing with the grief of losing her mother and juggling her feelings for two men – all while trying to get a book published. I loved the details of her writing process and her posse of supporters that have her back. I finished this book in less than a week. Whether you are a writer or not, this is one novel to add to your TBR pile.

The Power of Writing Things Down by Allison Fallon

I picked up this book because I enjoy receiving the author’s weekly emails on writing. She is a reliable source of excellent prompts when I can’t think of anything to write about in my blog. I also enjoyed her recent webinar on how to write a memoir. I thought her book would be equally brilliant. Honestly, I finished the book but can’t remember if I learned anything – which means I probably didn’t. Not because she isn’t a wonderful speaker and writing coach – but because I’ve read too many other books on writing, and she wasn’t saying anything I hadn’t heard before. This made me realize that maybe I need to stop buying so many books about writing and just sit my ass down and write! 🙂 If someone is a new writer, I think this book has a lot to offer and is a good place to start. But, if you are someone like me who has been doing this for a while and has read writing books from Anne Lamott, Stephen King, and others of that caliber – this might not be the right fit for you. But, her Monday Motivation emails are superb.

The Library Book by Susan Orlean

When I buy a book, I’m pretty committed to reading it – maybe not right away – as noted by the size of my TBR pile. But I will get around to it. I was so excited about this book because I love libraries. If independent bookstores are my guilty pleasure, libraries are a safe haven to explore new genres and authors without buying the books. This particular book is a nonfiction account of the largest library fire in the United States. It happened in Los Angeles, and there are a lot of unanswered questions. But instead of drawing me into the big mystery, I’m reading more about the ins and outs of library systems and how they operate. Maybe the mystery is still in there somewhere – but after about 50 or so pages – I’ve lost interest, and I’m tired of waiting for the juicy part.  So, I’m going to put it aside for now and pick it up at another time.

No time to waste, my next new read is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I’ll review it in my May book report.

What book did you read in April? Have you ever DNF-ed a book? Which one and why?

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