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How to Pick Your Next Book

to be read pileWhat should I read next, Elisa?

As an avid reader, I get this question a lot. And while I love to share books I enjoyed with others, I worry they won’t be their cup of tea. We all have different tastes when it comes to reading, so I’m never sure if the books I recommend are the right ones. While I’m happy to share my book recs, here are a few do’s and don’t for you to consider when choosing your next book.

Do: Think about what genre you like to read. Are you looking for a romance novel? Do you like mysteries or thrillers that keep you guessing? Is there a topic you want to learn more about? How about a celebrity memoir that you’ve been dying to read? Deciding what type of book you are in the mood for helps you weed out the titles you don’t want to read.

Don’t: Give in to the hype. Just because a book is on the bestsellers list or won a fancy award doesn’t mean it’s the right book for you. Take it from me. I’ve fallen for the hype and have been burned too many times.

Do:  Look at what books you have read and enjoyed. Selecting books similar to those you’ve already read is a good way to narrow your choices. Maybe there is a new book written by that author or a particular setting you want to revisit.

Don’t:  Don’t be afraid to quit a book. If you start reading a book 50-100 pages in and decide you don’t like it, put it down and find another book! It’s okay. You aren’t obligated to finish it. Life is short, and reading is supposed to be fun. There are plenty of books to choose from. Don’t waste your time on the ones you don’t like.

Do: Ask your friends what books they like. Be careful with this one. If your friend loves Stephen King and you want Emily Henry, find another friend to ask. Or better yet, visit your local independent bookstore and talk to the staff. Let them know what you are looking for. It is literally their job to know their inventory and help you pick the books that are right for you.

Don’t: Read the reviews on Amazon or Goodreads before you read the book. Every reader will have a different experience with a book. Some will love it. Others will hate it. Don’t let that influence you! Plus, you could read spoilers which could ruin the whole book before you even open it to the first page. Even if you are a “read the last page of the book first” type of reader, the reviews could talk you out of reading it altogether. Wait until you finish the book, then read the reviews and see if you agree with them.

Here is how I found my latest 5-star book – “The Perfect Marriage” by Jeneva Rose. I happen to love listening to book-themed podcasts. I knew I was in the mood for a psychological thriller, and this title popped up on a few summer reading episodes. And then the stars must have aligned because I saw the book was part of a sale on Audible. I knew this was a sign, so I downloaded it and finished it in two days. It was EXCELLENT!

I know the right book is out there for you too. Keep looking and enjoy your summer reading!

What are you reading lately, and how did you choose it? Tell me in the comments.



Let Freedom Ring

Happy 4th of July!

On this day of Independence, here are a few quotes to keep in mind as we celebrate our freedom while still fighting for the freedom of others.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

—Nelson Mandela

“I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.”

—Ruth Bader Ginsberg

“Those who deny freedom for others deserve it not for themselves”.

—Abraham Lincoln 

“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.”

— Jim Morrison

Have a great holiday!



My Not-So-Secret Writing Life

It’s not a well-kept secret that I’ve been working on a memoir for quite some time. Every once in a while, I’ll come across old New Year’s resolutions on Facebook where more than once I’ve written: “I’m going to finish my book this year!” And then, another year goes by without a completed first draft.

Recently, one of my best friends asked me how the writing was going. I was so touched. She has always supported my work, and it’s been a while since someone asked me that question. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to respond. I think my answer to her wound up being an enthusiastic one like – “It’s going well! Thanks for asking!” – without going into too much detail.

Here’s the truth: I write every single day. I wake up and wonder what I’ll write about that day. I see stories and content all around me and immediately want to put my spin on it. Most of the time, I write for my job as a nonprofit communications professional. I write (and rewrite 😉 ) marketing emails, impact stories, leadership spotlights, website and social media copy, fundraising campaigns, and so much more. I love having a career that allows me to use my skills and talent to write for good causes. And I know my work experience enhances my overall writing journey.

But I’m also trying to spend just as much time here on my laptop writing my book, and that’s not always easy. This means I have to put myself first. I’ve invested time and money to learn more about my craft through professional development classes, writing workshops, and reading countless books and articles. With all the writing, editing, proofreading, and learning I’ve done over the last decade, I’m sure I have a complete manuscript by now. And yet, I have nothing to point to and say, “Ta-da!”

So what’s the problem? The problem is that personal writing projects have always taken a backseat in my daily life. Sometimes it’s because I sit in front of a computer all day and have nothing left after the workday. Other times, writer’s block or imposter syndrome kicks in, and I’m completely helpless. And there have been plenty of times that I write and write and write because I have so much to say and can’t type the words fast enough. Now that I’m an empty-nester, my schedule is much more open, and my mindset is focused on writing this book. But that’s not enough. I need a plan of attack. Here are some changes I’m already putting into place.

  • Making the Time – I’ve already told my husband that I’m carving out at least an hour a day to write, if not more. I’m also getting out of bed earlier than normal to get ready for work, leaving time for me to be creative. I’ve even traded in most of my TV time and doom-scrolling for blogging or reading because reading other people’s work is an important part of my process.
  • Writing with Friends – I’ve committed to two writing challenges and half a dozen in-person workshops this summer. (I told you I meant business 🙂 ). The first is the Ultimate Blog Challenge which requires me to write one blog daily for the entire month of July. I love this not only because of the writing, but we also support others doing the challenge by commenting on their posts as well. It’s a supportive online community of incredibly talented literary citizens. The other challenge is with the Philly Writers Workshop. Every week, I am paired with a classmate to exchange new pieces written in 15-minute blocks of time for positive feedback. This challenge is designed to help us all get into a routine I desperately need. These projects bring me joy and hopefully get me closer to finishing my book.
  • No More Negative Self-Talk – I need to stop telling myself no one wants to read what I write or will care about my stories. It’s a lie I tell myself that causes me to procrastinate even further. So, I’m not going to worry about writing the perfect memoir, whether I’m the right person to write this book, or if I sell a million copies. And no more lying about not being good enough. I am good enough.
  • A Little Detective Work – I need to dig through previous posts, read old workshop prompts, review past submissions, and then organize what I have written and see what remains to be said. I may have a complete manuscript and not even know it. Wouldn’t that be nice? A girl can only dream.

What other things should I be doing that I can include in my plan? I’m all ears – or eyes. Add your thoughts in the comments!


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