During this month long blog challenge, I’m sent an email each day with a writing prompt. I haven’t been following them because I like to do my own thing, but this one caught my eye: For today’s post, share a challenge. Have you faced a challenge recently that you made it through? Share it with your readers and show them how they can survive the same challenge. I’ll be honest with you. Lately, my anxiety level has been flaring up for no particular reason. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause, but thankfully I didn’t have to necessarily attribute it to anything to get help for it. In my case, common symptoms include not sleeping well, feeling overwhelmed by everything and nothing in particular, and not being able to enjoy myself with others. At first, these symptoms creep up on me and I don’t recognize them as anxiety, until all 3 come into play. And then, there was one weekend–fairly recently–when it got to the point that I needed to do something about it. So, this week I took some time off and saw the doctors who help me deal with this. I learned that it isn’t necessarily external factors causing my anxiety, but more likely that my serotonin levels needed adjusting. For some reason, this was a big relief to me. I continue to accept the challenges my anxiety brings me. And thanks to the love and support of my family, I’m feeling a heck of a lot better and ready to take on the world again. To others facing this kind of challenge, please don’t think you have to have a reason to feel the way you do. See your doctor and let them know what is going on so that you can get back to being your old self again.
Author Archive
My Sick Day in Haikus
Ah-choo, Ah-choo, Ah… Blowing my nose til its red It’s so not pretty
Kleenex are everywhere Not thrown away, I don’t care Excused from housework
Turn on the TV Please bring me some orange juice Now leave me alone
I stay home from work Robo-calls the whole day long Can’t go back to sleep
Where the heck is Whoopi? Why is she not on The View? Friday, she is off (Sad)
Do not shake my hand Keeping my germs to myself Just blow me a kiss
Tired of being sick Tea and honey are working I’ll wake up better
Haikus for People With Colds (Like Me)
Kleenex are everywhere Not thrown away, I don’t care Excused from housework
Turn on the tv Please bring me some orange juice Now leave me alone
Ah-choo, Ah-choo, Ah… Blowing my nose til its red It’s not attractive
Do not shake my hand Keeping my germs to myself Just blow me a kiss
Tired of being sick Tea and honey are working Tomorrow will feel better