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Going Around In Circles

I have a problem. As a full-time writer, it is literally my job to create content. In my day job as a non-profit communications manager, I compose e-newsletters, tell impactful stories, post on several social media platforms, update website copy, send press releases, and do similar tasks, all to engage people in our work and raise money. At night, I love to read books, listen to podcasts, download today’s New York Times on my Kindle, read through some of the blogs I follow and write my own blog posts.

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the digital chaos that I am addicted to online. And it is coming at me in all directions. Maybe it is time for me to take a detour off the information highway. And yes, I do see the irony in all of this because I am part of the problem, but that’s a post for another time.

I could use a break, or maybe I just need a new hobby. Something outdoorsy, although I’m not really a nature kind of person. Plus, it is winter, and I don’t love the cold weather.

Maybe I’ll travel. I’m in the mood to watch my favorite sport – baseball – but the only way to do that right now is to go to spring training. I’ve been there before and loved every minute of it.

But it’s in Florida, so on second thought, maybe not. Stupid COVID-19.

Maybe I need to throw myself into a home improvement project. But, I should save up first because we completed our new deck and patio this past summer.

Or, maybe I need some retail therapy. That does seem to help, but I’m currently decluttering closets in my house. I don’t want to add anything right now. That seems like self-sabotage to me.

Since I am so indecisive, maybe, I’ll read up on how to find a new hobby. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll check out the latest articles and podcasts on the subject. And maybe I’ll sign up for a few newsletters and follow some social media influencers of a certain age to get some ideas. And maybe…


I think I’m back to where I started.

My 22 for 2022 List

As you may know, Gretchen Rubin, the best-selling author of The Happiness Project and many other books, challenges people to create a to-do list of what they want to accomplish in the coming year. The items can be easy or ambitious. While I don’t always accomplish everything on my list, I enjoy making it and keeping it handy because I like nothing better than checking things off!

So, without further ado, here is my 22 for 2022 list.

  1. Finish the first draft of my book. This is the big goal for the year, guys!
  2. Plan a day of fun with each one of my nieces and nephews. I have five total, and I’d like to know them better. This is my favorite item on this list. I’m so excited to do this.
  3. Replace my driver’s license with a Real ID (I carried this over from last year’s list)
  4. Purchase, frame, and hang new artwork for the house. Some of the pieces I own were in my first apartment after college. Yikes!
  5. Take a family vacation to Maine to see Acadia National Park
  6. Read 35 books this year, but at least half of them must be titles I already own.
  7. Build up my personal brand on LinkedIn by posting there 2-3 times a week.
  8. Make my bed every morning and do the dishes every night.
  9. Learn Instagram. It’s time.
  10. Decorate my home office to create a haven for working, writing, and reading.
  11. Clean out and reorganize the laundry room to make it a more functional space.
  12. Visit a new indie bookstore in every town I go to and buy something to support their business.
  13. Lose 20 lbs and keep it off. (Friends, please don’t send me your suggestions for how to do this. I know you mean well, but I have a plan. Thanks!)
  14. Find ways to work smarter, not harder.
  15. Submit articles for publication to get my name out there.
  16. Be a better literary citizen and find more ways to support other writers in their work.
  17. Attend a Shabbat Service at least once a month.
  18. Reserve 22 minutes of “me time” every day to read, walk, nap, pet my dog, or do whatever.
  19. Drink more water. (I’m so bad at this)
  20. Create a system to handle all my papers – including magazines. I have so many magazines.
  21. Go on more date nights with my husband.
  22. TBD – I’m reserving this slot for a goal to be determined at a later date.

Does anyone else make a list like this? If so, please share!



Four Random Thoughts

I’ve had a long day, so I will make tonight’s post short and sweet. Based on that age-old question Facebook asks daily, here is what’s on my mind.

And Just Like That

(Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t watched the show, you can skip this part)

I was looking forward to the Sex and the City reboot. I had hoped it would be a nice escape from real life. But honestly, I’m finding it rather annoying. And yet, I can’t stop watching it. Big and Carrie are no more. Carrie’s grief is somewhat short-lived, and that funeral left a lot to be desired. Charlotte is super annoying. I don’t know how Harry puts up with her. I loved when Stanford put her in her place in episode 3. Miranda’s storyline makes total sense, given her views on love in the original series. She was so picky and then basically settled for Steve. Without Samantha, Stanford was an adorable fourth musketeer – until he “moved to Tokyo.” Speaking of Samantha, I think the writers found a creative and respectful way to work her absence into the show effectively. Sometimes friendships don’t last, and life goes on. As for the rest of the show, the new characters are interesting, which I guess is why I keep watching – it’s better than doing the dishes.

Competitive Reading

The only reading goal I have in 2022 is to read more books. I’m not going to worry about what Oprah, Reese, or other celebrity book clubs recommend. Instead, I will dive into my shelves, overflowing with books on my TBR list, and enjoy.

Sounds simple, right? There is only one problem. I am hopelessly attracted to the shiny new titles that everyone is talking about, and most of the time, they are the latest releases. Once I read the rave reviews or hear about them on a podcast, I can’t help but add them to my collection. Otherwise, I suffer from severe FOMO that everyone is reading but me.

Stitch Fix

I just received my first Stitch Fix in the mail today. I’ve always wanted to try it. My sister uses it to pad her wardrobe, and I must say that everything she has received so far looks great on her. So, I took the quiz and paid the $20 styling fee. My personal stylist selects clothes based on what I’m looking for. I described my style as “Zoom friendly” on the top for work and super comfy on the bottom.

Boy, did they deliver! I kept three of them out of the five pieces – a pair of super comfy jeans that fit me perfectly. A red top and a cozy sweater that will look fabulous on camera. The price was right, and the rest gets shipped back to the warehouse for free. I’ve already scheduled my next “fix” for right before my birthday. I can’t wait to see what they pick for me.

A COVID-19 /Work From Home Haiku

Zoom meetings all day
Time to shut the computer
And see the sunset

I missed the sunset
Email is so distracting
Maybe tomorrow

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