Teenagers Live Here

Typically, I make it a point not to clean up my teenagers’ bedrooms. If they close their doors, I leave well enough alone. I’ve tried to get them to clean up and eventually they do, but let’s just say life is too short and I like to pick my battles. However, the playroom—which was recently renamed the “man cave”—is a different story. Located in one of the more public areas of my house, by the side door and the powder room, it needs to be dealt with on a semi-regular basis. I don’t go in there too often because it reminds me that what was once a cheerful home for board games and Barbie dolls is now a dumping ground for the messy teenagers who dwell here. This past weekend, we had our annual Eagles tailgate party and the man cave needed to look presentable. With my son away in Florida for winter break, I had no choice. I didn’t know what I would find, but I was going in. Armed with an endless supply of trash bags, I began with the couch. Underneath the cushions, I found the following:

  • AA batteries
  • AAA batteries
  • D batteries (see a pattern here?)
  • Earbuds
  • A black Sharpie
  • Xbox games sans cases
  • Random jigsaw puzzle pieces
  • Numerous Ziploc bags containing crumbs from pretzels or chips
  • More batteries

Once the couch was detoxed, I turned my attention to the homework desk where I found random art supplies, a calculator, a protractor, a 2016 calendar, and a 4th grade math workbook. Did I mention he is a freshman in high school? I also added to my battery collection. The desk area was not too bad actually except for a few half empty water bottles. At least, I know this space is being used as it was intended. I made my way around the room and started a new pile of items to be either washed or put away which included (but not limited to): a pair of underwear, socks, dress pants, a book of Mad Libs, one sneaker, and a pool towel. After about an hour of straightening, I was satisfied with the 3 trash bags filled to the brim and the room in much better condition than when I started. All I had to do now was vacuum and finish the job. I started with the couch and that’s where I found it. The piece de resistance. The best for last. The true sign of having teenagers in the house. Are you ready for this? An empty Domino’s pizza box wedged behind the couch. He is soooo lucky he wasn’t home when I found it.      

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