What I Really Want

“I want a million dollars and a Lamborghini.” This is a line that my son always offers up when I ask him what he wants for dinner, for his birthday or in life. “A million dollars and a Lamborghini,” he declares with his big metallic grin. He thinks this is so funny. It was cute the first few times he said it. Then, it started to get a little old. These days, I give in and say it along with him, so now it’s our thing. I too want a million dollars and a Lamborghini. Actually, I want a BMW, but I have to admit that a Lamborghini sounds way cooler. We played the lottery last night and lost, but it allowed me to dream a bit about what I would do with the million dollars. I would definitely worry less about how to send 2 kids to college in the next few years. Maybe I would allow myself an early retirement to travel the world, sit in cafes in exotic locations, drink fabulous coffee and become a full time writer. God knows there are a million ideas for books and blogs inside of me that have yet to come to fruition. But, if I’m being completely honest with you, I want the intangible things even more, like:

  • I want my kids to not be almost 18 and almost 15 years old.
  • I want to take them back to Disney World, go on all their favorite rides and listen to them squeal in delight.
  • I want to sit on the floor with them, play games and sing along with the Wiggles on TV.
  • I want to go to the mall and treat them to ice cream and a ride on the carousel.
  • I want to take more home videos of their childhood milestones.
  • I want to be the tooth fairy.
  • I want one night to sit in that comfy rocking chair, read their favorite bedtime stories, and sing The Rainbow Connection.
  • I want them to hold my hand and not let it go.

I’d take all of the above over a Lamborghini any day of the week, but these are things that money just can’t buy.

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