Why I Write

There are days that I think to myself that there is a book inside of me waiting to come out. I wonder if I’ll wake up one day and these random blog posts will appear to me as a complete work worthy of publishing. I actually have an idea for a book that has nothing to do with this blog, but I can’t do it alone. I’m also not sure if I have the time to write every day when I already have a full time job, a husband and two kids. I’m also not sure I have the discipline to write every day. I’m just not sure. There are other days when I don’t think about my so-called book. I think about my great-great granddaughter who might want to know what life was like at the beginning of the 21st century. I’ve always thought that all of us are a part of history – whether we are making history or witnessing and reacting to it. I wonder if my great-great granddaughter will come across my journals one day when I’m long gone and be excited to read them. I only hope she can understand my handwriting. I take my writing seriously, but I don’t necessarily think of myself as a serious writer. To me, a serious writer makes the time to write every day. I don’t have that kind of time – and when I do, I admit that I get easily distracted watching the 3rd season of the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix when I should be writing. A serious writer has a goal in mind – to be a published author – I’m not there yet. But I’m envious of those who have these goals in clear sight. There are a lot of people in my writing workshop in different stages of their manuscripts. They have done the research. They live with the characters in their head and are working on their next plot twist. They take the writing prompts given in class and write out whole scenes with dialogue to add to their work. I have a hard time with dialogue. I’m so impressed by these people – but I’m not 100% sure I’m one of them. But, I know in my heart that I love to write and that is what I’m meant to do, no matter who reads it. There are stories to be told, memories to be shared and lessons to be learned and that’s what matters most to me.

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