A Total Time Suck

As I approach another birthday, I am well aware of my own mortality and what I want to accomplish in the time I have left on this planet. Sounds morbid, right? It’s actually not.

It’s reality, and I have a lot of shit to do.

I have trips that I want to take, books to read, writing goals to accomplish, and plenty of projects around the house to keep me busy. If that wasn’t enough, I also volunteered to raise money for both the swim team and the post-prom event later this year. And did I mention that I have a ton of work to do for my day job?

So, why is it that I am sitting on the couch, staring at my iPhone instead of checking anything off my to-do list? It’s all Facebook’s fault. I’m addicted to Reelz, and as I sit there and watch clip after clip, time is flying by.

I just looked at my watch, and it is almost 5 pm. The only things I accomplished today were making my bed, running the dishwasher, and doing a load of laundry. I also edited an article for someone.

Other than that, it has not been a productive day. Facebook is a time suck, and I’m the sucker that lets it into my world. Maybe if the weather was nicer I would have gone food shopping, gotten my nails done, and bought a Valentine’s Day card and present for my husband.

Instead, my phone battery is at 25%, and I have nothing to show for it. I fell into the black hole of clips from Grey’s Anatomy, America’s Got Talent, and random stand-up comedian sets.

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday, and I’m not a big football fan. One would think that I should take all of that free time and use it wisely. But I do love the commercials, so I’m not hopeful that tomorrow will be any better. But, we will see.

At least, I got a blog post in today. 🙂

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