July 2023 archive

Mojitos, Music, and Mohawks

This weekend was supposed to be relaxing. To a certain extent, it was. I went out to dinner with my husband on Friday night, where I enjoyed a delicious mojito after a long week. We hung out with friends at the swim club for a few hours on Saturday. Today was a rainout, so I decided to be super productive by catching up on work, laundry, cooking, dishes, etc. And now, I’m sitting here on Sunday night, and the writing tank is almost on empty.

What can I possibly tell you that you might find interesting? I watched the Wham! documentary on Netflix this weekend and rediscovered my youth. The pop songs washed over me, and I forgot how much fun music used to be. I immediately pictured myself back in my teenage bedroom, listening to “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” on my boom box. I also learned a lot about Andrew Ridgeley and how he supported George Michael throughout his solo career. Turns out, the guy was a real mench! The film is so well done, and I highly recommend it, especially if you are in the mood for an escape from reality and a dose of 80s nostalgia.

Hmm, what else can I tell you? Andrew is doing a no-shave July along with the rest of the coaches on the swim team. Swimming is a funny sport when it comes to hairstyles. When Andrew was little, he rocked a mohawk with the other kids on the team – for three summers in a row. In high school, the boys on the swim team bleached their hair blond for several weeks. Now, he is giving up the razor for the month of July. I don’t dislike the facial hair as much as I thought I would. It definitely covers up his baby face, but not enough that he wouldn’t get carded at a bar. He says he will shave it in August but might leave a goatee behind.

No matter whether he has the mohawk, the blond beach bum look, or the goatee, he is still a cutie – then and now.

That’s about all I’ve got for today. See you tomorrow.


10 Simple Things Making Me Happy

My favorite trick to cure writer’s block is to make lists. Today, I put together this list to remind myself of things that are making me happy. Check it out!

  1. Trader Joe’s Hold That Cone mini ice cream cones on a hot day. The chocolate ones are my favorite.
  2. Relaxing on my beautiful back patio with a glass of wine and a good book. Right now, I’m reading “The Maid” by Nita Prose.
  3. Mango mojitos on a Friday night! YUM!
  4. A surprise phone call from my daughter, Jenna, to let me know she was reading the blog posts I’ve written about her and cracking up. She liked this one in particular. Her laugh made my whole day. I needed that.
  5. Going to the swim club with my husband and listened to the pool manager tell me what a great kid my son, Andrew is as her employee. This is his third year as a lifeguard there, and he loves it. And apparently, they love him! A mother never gets tired of hearing how great her kids are, no matter how grown up they get.
  6. My phone is working properly again! If you missed my sad story about my phone, you can read it here. Between Andrew and my husband, they helped me figure out how to take off tons of podcasts that I didn’t know were there.
  7. I haven’t purchased a new book in 15 days. Yes, I was tempted to buy books on Prime Day, but I rechanneled my spending to get a new Fitbit instead. This no-book-buy July is actually working. Thank goodness the library can get the books I want, and I’m not spending money on them. Proud of me!
  8. I love watching baseball, especially when my team wins. The Phillies won the first game of a doubleheader today, and Game 2 just started. Crossing my fingers for another win.
  9. I’m researching places to visit when we vacation in Bar Harbor, Maine, later this summer. If you are familiar with the area, I’d love to hear any suggestions on where to go in the area.
  10. My writer’s block seems to have disappeared! 🙂

What is making you happy right now? Let me know in the comments.



Booked all weekend

What are you up to this weekend?

I started out my night with a mango mojito which was delicious. I’m following that up with a little ice cream and Phillies baseball. For the rest of the weekend, I am reading and blogging. But for tonight, I’m just going to chill out and relax.





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