Archive of ‘My Reading Life’ category

No Book-Buy July

Inspired by a fellow blogger’s No Buy July post, I decided not to purchase any new books this month. As you know, it is difficult for me to refrain from supporting independent bookstores or downloading new titles from my ultra-convenient Audible and Kindle accounts. Right now, I have one Audible credit for July, and I’m not cashing it in until August. Is it killing me that it’s sitting out there, and I could have a new shiny book to listen to today? Well, yes. But I’m not giving in. I have shelf control.

I mean self-control.

So far, I’ve listened to one book I own — which turned out to be a 5-star read — and started a book on my Kindle that I purchased a long time ago. I’m also reading more New York Times articles and cleaning up my Kindle by catching up on the samples I’ve downloaded and never read. I deleted a few of them and put the two I liked on hold to buy later.

Here is the only downside. I haven’t stopped myself from making other random purchases this month. Just yesterday, I spotted a sterling silver bracelet featuring pressed flowers in a charming jewelry shop. I had no intention of buying anything for myself, but after I tried it on, I loved it. This sort of impulse buy would not have happened if I had made a recent trip to the bookstore. But since there was no chance of that, I decided to support a different kind of small business and bought the bracelet. While I had a little buyer’s remorse, I woke up this morning happy to see it sitting pretty on my wrist.

Of course, now I want a manicure, so this no-book-buy July might wind up being too dangerous for my pocketbook. But at least I won’t add any new books to my TBR tower. So, silver lining!

How to Pick Your Next Book

to be read pileWhat should I read next, Elisa?

As an avid reader, I get this question a lot. And while I love to share books I enjoyed with others, I worry they won’t be their cup of tea. We all have different tastes when it comes to reading, so I’m never sure if the books I recommend are the right ones. While I’m happy to share my book recs, here are a few do’s and don’t for you to consider when choosing your next book.

Do: Think about what genre you like to read. Are you looking for a romance novel? Do you like mysteries or thrillers that keep you guessing? Is there a topic you want to learn more about? How about a celebrity memoir that you’ve been dying to read? Deciding what type of book you are in the mood for helps you weed out the titles you don’t want to read.

Don’t: Give in to the hype. Just because a book is on the bestsellers list or won a fancy award doesn’t mean it’s the right book for you. Take it from me. I’ve fallen for the hype and have been burned too many times.

Do:  Look at what books you have read and enjoyed. Selecting books similar to those you’ve already read is a good way to narrow your choices. Maybe there is a new book written by that author or a particular setting you want to revisit.

Don’t:  Don’t be afraid to quit a book. If you start reading a book 50-100 pages in and decide you don’t like it, put it down and find another book! It’s okay. You aren’t obligated to finish it. Life is short, and reading is supposed to be fun. There are plenty of books to choose from. Don’t waste your time on the ones you don’t like.

Do: Ask your friends what books they like. Be careful with this one. If your friend loves Stephen King and you want Emily Henry, find another friend to ask. Or better yet, visit your local independent bookstore and talk to the staff. Let them know what you are looking for. It is literally their job to know their inventory and help you pick the books that are right for you.

Don’t: Read the reviews on Amazon or Goodreads before you read the book. Every reader will have a different experience with a book. Some will love it. Others will hate it. Don’t let that influence you! Plus, you could read spoilers which could ruin the whole book before you even open it to the first page. Even if you are a “read the last page of the book first” type of reader, the reviews could talk you out of reading it altogether. Wait until you finish the book, then read the reviews and see if you agree with them.

Here is how I found my latest 5-star book – “The Perfect Marriage” by Jeneva Rose. I happen to love listening to book-themed podcasts. I knew I was in the mood for a psychological thriller, and this title popped up on a few summer reading episodes. And then the stars must have aligned because I saw the book was part of a sale on Audible. I knew this was a sign, so I downloaded it and finished it in two days. It was EXCELLENT!

I know the right book is out there for you too. Keep looking and enjoy your summer reading!

What are you reading lately, and how did you choose it? Tell me in the comments.



June 2023 Book Report

Summer is my favorite time of the year to read. The days are long, and the weather is perfect for sitting by the pool or on my patio engrossed in a story. I like beach reads that are page-turners, mysteries I can’t put down, juicy celebrity memoirs filled with gossip, historical fiction that exposes me to a whole new world or culture, and family dramas that serve as an escape from reality.

I consider myself a fast reader, but it’s been quite a while since I finished a book in one day. The last time that happened was when we went to Punta Cana, and I only brought three novels for a seven-day trip. What was I thinking?! I finished those books quickly because we sat on the beach all day. By Wednesday, I was desperate for a new novel and so happy when I came across a cart of wayward books other hotel guests had left behind. Crisis averted!

Lately, I’ve been spending time refamiliarizing myself with my TBR pile. I’m almost embarrassed to say that between the print books on my shelves, the novels downloaded on my Kindle, and the audiobooks on my iPhone, I own about 200 titles I haven’t read yet. Some people have a TBR pile, and that’s cute. I have a TBR TOWER (yes, all caps are necessary here because it’s a big tower) with books. I had all good intentions of reading next but never did. As I went through each title in the TOWER,  I remembered what it was that intrigued me about the book and found myself getting excited all over again to read it.

So, I’ve decided to only read the books from my TOWER for the month of July (except for any library holds that come through. I have four titles on hold right now). In no particular order, here are the books I want to read in July:

  • “The Perfect Marriage” by Jeneva Rose (Audiobook)
  • The Maid by Nita Prose (Kindle e-book and my book club’s next pick)
  • “Loyalty” by Lisa Scottoline (Hardback book because I wanted it so bad, I spent $30 on it.)
  • “The Most Likely Club” by Elyssa Friedland (Kindle e-book)
  • “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert – (This will be a re-read for me, which I rarely do. However, it’s been a few years since I read it, and I could use a boost in the creativity department)

But before I dive into my mini-TBR pile (yes, it’s a cute little manageable pile again). Let me tell you about the books I read in June.

Happy Place by Emily Henry

This is the IT beach read of the summer. It’s been on the New York Times bestseller list for nine weeks and is at Number Two as I write this. There was so much hype surrounding this book which can sometimes be a problem for me. Here is the setup: boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, have lots of good sex, and get engaged. Then, boy dumps girl without explanation and doesn’t tell their friends about their breakup, and they are all vacationing together somewhere in Maine – their happy place.

I hated it. But let me tell you why.

I admit that I’m not a romance reader. If romance is part of a larger story, that’s fine, but if romance is the entire story, it’s not always for me. However, I’ve enjoyed other books by this writer, so I had no problem spending one of my precious Audible credits on it. Unfortunately, I found these characters to be privileged and immature for their age (mid-thirties). The conflicts in the book could have been easily fixed if the characters had talked to each other – but I guess it wouldn’t make it a bestselling book, right? The whole plot trope of huge misunderstandings due to miscommunication and then stretching it out for 400 pages was super annoying. I wanted to reach in and strangle most of the characters because I wasn’t rooting for any of them. By the sixth hour of a seven-and-a-half-hour audiobook experience, I DNF’d the book. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I’m glad I did because I know how it ended, and that ending would have pissed me off as well. But I’m still counting this book toward my Goodreads goal because it is six hours I will never get back.

The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

In my opinion, this is the book that should have been the IT book for the summer. A young family moves into a beautiful house that overlooks a cliff. They love everything about the house except that it is a popular location for people to come and commit suicide. Gabe, the husband, prides himself on having talked seven people from jumping, but one night he is unsuccessful, and a young woman dies.

This thriller unfolds with the perfect mix of flashbacks and present-day events told from the perspectives of both Gabe’s wife, Pippa – who wonders if her husband pushed her off that cliff – and Amanda – the woman who died. Throughout the book, marriages unravel, family secrets come to light, and lives change forever. It was the perfect beach read for me.

This author does a masterful job of toggling between the storylines of the two women and still writes a suspenseful story that kept me turning pages until late at night. Sometimes, the character development is lacking when you have a great story, but not in this book. I loved the main characters and the minor players with important roles in the book. I especially liked the children, the coffee shop owner, and the bodyguard. Highly recommend!

The Church of Baseball: The Making of Bull Durham by Ron Shelton

When I’m not reading, I’m probably watching a Phillies game on television. Baseball is in my blood, and I count baseball movies like Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, and Moneyball as some of my favorites. When I heard this author and movie director talking about his new book on a recent podcast, I immediately put it on hold at the library. Last year, I read “Off the Cliff” about the making of Thelma and Louise, which was excellent. So, it was time for me to dive into another Hollywood story.

The Church of Baseball was a fun read. Usually, my favorite parts of these books are the behind-the-scenes stories you won’t hear anywhere else. In this book, I also thoroughly enjoyed the author’s writing process and how he sold the movie. His commitment to the story and the actors was admirable, and he wasn’t willing to budge. I can’t imagine this movie without Kevin Costner, Tim Robbins, and Susan Sarandon, but movie producers and other bigwigs were skeptical about the casting choices for Nuke and Annie. In the end, Bull Durham became a classic baseball movie that is a must-watch whenever I catch it on television.

The one thing that I felt was missing from this Hollywood story was a woman’s touch. “The Church of Baseball” was told from the director’s point of view using the notes from interviews he did with the cast and crew. It was a movie made in a man’s world with Susan Sarandon basically invited to the party. “Off the Cliff: How The Making of Thelma and Louise Drove Hollywood to the Edge” discussed the groundbreaking movie from all perspectives. The actresses (including Sarandon) shared their stories and love for the film. The screenwriter and much of the crew were women trying to break into the business and earn respect from a male-dominated field. They shared their insights on the making of this movie too. And the reader comes to appreciate that this action movie with two female leads was unheard of back in the 80s and was a blockbuster. Both of these films came out around the same time and are both classics. But in my opinion, only one of these films broke the glass ceiling, which made the book and the movie that much better.

How is your summer reading going? Let me know in the comments!


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