24 Things To Do in 2024: Part II

Yesterday, I wrote 14 out of 24 things I want to try to accomplish in the new year. If you missed that post, you can read it here. The first half of my list was well thought out and focused on my passions, like reading and writing. The rest is off the top of my head and consists of items that could be considered low-hanging fruit, but I should probably add them to the list anyway.

SPOILER ALERT: The last item is the one I’m looking forward to the most in 2024.

15. Cook two new recipes a month. 

I am a little tired of our go-to meals of turkey meatloaf and honey dijon mustard chicken. They are delicious meals, but I make them all the time. I should branch out and try something new. So, I’d like to cook two new recipes monthly and see if they are good enough to add to the rotation. I bought a new cookbook last year that I haven’t opened yet, but it promises “recipes for keeps and essential techniques to master everyday cooking.” Sounds good to me. If nothing else, the experience will make for good blog content.

16. Deep clean one room every month. When I’m finished, add something to the room that it needs or looks nice.

I’ve been on a mission lately to clean out closets and organize drawers, but it’s time to go next level. I want to deep clean certain rooms in the house that are stressing me out. My laundry room could be much more user-friendly. If you go in there to find something, it will take longer than you think. The dining room is too plain for my taste. Plain as in BORING! We redid our kitchen a few years ago and knocked down a wall. The dining room furniture doesn’t go with the look I’m trying to accomplish, so this needs to be fixed. And my bedroom which should be my sanctuary for rest and relaxation but is in a constant state of disarray. I’ve moved the same notebooks, magazines, and loose papers  around the room in hopes of organizing them to no avail. Also, our bedroom closets are not set up for putting clothes away neatly and easy to access. Many items wind up on the floor and then I push them out of the way, recreating the messy state of my bedroom week after week. It’s all so frustrating.

This year, I want to clean these rooms out and then add something the room could use, like new artwork on the wall or replacing the ceiling light in my home office, which doesn’t do its job adequately. This will be fun, and I will start with the laundry room.

17. Get a Real ID and TSA Precheck status.

These items have been on my list for a few years. Each will take a few hours of my time to complete and then it will be done. What am I waiting for? Apparently, 2024.

18. Increase participation in the communities I love or want to get to know better. 

I’m already an active participant in a local writers’ group and neighborhood book club. Lately, I haven’t been attending events or services at my synagogue, a community I love being part of and spending time with. I need to try on a few committees or activities to see where my interests lie, but I miss it.

Last year, I also joined the local chamber of commerce and am interested in providing freelance writing services to small businesses and nonprofits as a side gig. They are an amazing group of people who have already welcomed me into the fold. I will keep those relationships going and get more involved in the new year.

19. Visit 2-4 places I’ve never been to before but always wanted to see.

A few months ago, I told a friend I wanted to visit the National Comedy Museum in upstate New York. To my surprise, she was also looking to go there, so I’d love to make that happen this year. My husband isn’t the biggest fan of museums, so this will probably be a girls trip.

This also got me thinking about other places I’ve yet to go, like the Barnes Foundation right here in Philadelphia. Another friend runs an Airbnb in Cape May, NJ. While I’m originally from New Jersey, I’ve never been to this shore town. I’m sure I’ll come across other places within driving distance of Philadelphia I’d also like to visit. Suggestions welcome!

20. Drink more water. 

No explanation is needed here. I just need to do it often enough that it becomes second nature to grab a bottle of water instead of a can of soda.

21. Go to a live show. 

I love attending concerts, watching comedy shows, and seeing a show or a play, but I stopped going because of the pandemic. It would be great to bring back some culture into my world.

22. Find and purchase a new Haggadah for our Passover Seder.  

This is a tough one but it needs to be done. I have used the same Haggadah for our Passover Seder for the last ten years. It is geared toward the youngest family members, but it is time to upgrade. I’d still like to keep the seder to 30-45 minutes, but I want to make it more meaningful and appropriate for the people around my table. Since I lead the seder every April, I’ll have to start looking soon, choose one (there are so many options!), and buy enough so each guest can follow along.

23. Learn the right makeup color palette is for me. 

From the spiritual to the superficial, I can’t get the right colors for my skin tone when I buy makeup. I have an olive complexion and green eyes. The eyeshadow always looks pretty in the case, but sometimes I don’t like it when I get home. My blush is also either too pink or too blended in. And don’t get me started on lipsticks. I have so many colors and can’t seem to get it right. One of these days, I will be brave enough to walk into Ulta or another beauty counter and let the salespeople pamper me.

24. Do something completely out of character. 

I love this one because I have no idea what it means. But I’ll know it when I see it, and I’ll say YES!

That’s it! That’s 24 things to do in 2024! What made it to your list?



6 comments on 24 Things To Do in 2024: Part II

  1. Tamara
    January 6, 2024 at 7:26 am (1 year ago)

    Such a fabulous and diverse list, I love it, Elisa!
    I’m impressed by the chapter on cleaning up your house. You seem to have identified all the areas that need attention, you just need to get started, and you will, since you officially committed to tackling the laundry room! When you’re done, my house will be over here, waiting for your expertise!
    Love the travel bucket list, too. You will have a lovely time checking these items off!
    And of course, number 24. Can’t wait to learn what it is for you! Chances are, it won’t have anything to do with books 😉

    • Elisa
      January 6, 2024 at 1:25 pm (1 year ago)

      Thanks Tamara! #24 will definitely not have anything to do with books! My husband wonders if he needs to save up for bail money. 😀

  2. Nadya
    January 5, 2024 at 8:51 pm (1 year ago)

    Oh, I love this list!
    For recipes – my old standby favorite is rice n lentils (and my son-in law loves black beans and jasmine rice!) I posted a ‘general idea’ recipe sometime last month. It was our quick n easy n cheap meal in the 70s and 80s, and I still love it!

    I love your thoughts for your home – my daughter had her kitchen redone during lock down, and was able to get new table and chairs they like at a discount furniture place. She found furniture for my new place on FB Marketplace – love my 50$ leather loveseat!! And tall bookshelves.

    For closets – my son- in law put up units for the adults and kids that have clothes rods and shelves – you can hang and also fold things or put baskets on the shelves for quick organization … (Even in my new house, I tend to toss clothes on the floor (floordrobe!) rather than opening the closet and stacking them on a shelf – sigh!! I’m working on getting better!)

    Our church has several book groups I’m involved with, and last year a friend started a singles group with monthly meals and Activities (several plays or concerts), and also a Native Voices book group, reading works by indigenous authors!
    I’ve had times i didn’t do much, but realize my engagement schedule is fuller again!

    You’ve given me some great ideas for this year – and I look forward to the report on number 24!

    • Elisa
      January 6, 2024 at 1:26 pm (1 year ago)

      I love your ideas, Nayda.

  3. Lily Leung
    January 5, 2024 at 5:18 pm (1 year ago)

    A very good finish to your list, Elisa. You sound busy and organized. I have those organizing and cleaning things on the list in my head. I have not learned to write out a list.

    • Elisa
      January 6, 2024 at 1:27 pm (1 year ago)

      Busy, yes. Organized… well, I try. I have to make a list because I no longer trust my memory. LOL!