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What I Didn’t Post On Facebook

Some people tell me I put my entire life on Facebook, but it isn’t really true. Yes, I do enjoy posting on a daily basis–sometimes even several times a day. I like to “check in” at different locations like a trendy restaurant with friends or while sitting at my son’s baseball game. On occasion, I’ve been known to kvetch about lengthy to-do lists, wishing for a clone to magically appear and save the day. Here is what I didn’t write about on Facebook this year:

  • My mom’s back surgery and her not-so-smooth recovery;
  • Another close relative’s unexpected open heart surgery that took place two weeks after my mom came home from the hospital. And the surgery took place on Jenna’s 14th birthday;
  • A second surgery for him about a month later – both of which were life-saving procedures;
  • My whirlwind initiation into the sandwich generation–taking care of aging parents and dependent children who understood everything that was going on and had lots of questions I didn’t know how to answer;
  • Dealing with all of the above and working a full time job where I planned, implemented and attended 2 back-to-back holiday programs and 4 major events in the course of 3 months. This would be a challenge for even the most experienced program director under normal circumstances;
  • Trying so hard to be “on” for everyone else in my personal and professional life even though on the inside my light was turned off;
  • My futile attempts to attain perfection as I kept track of a jam-packed calendar of kids’ activities, meetings, and doctors’ appointments. I would spend many early mornings filling out forms, checking homework, cleaning the house and trying to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Needless to say, the first half of 2015 was rough for me. Checking in on Facebook from the surgical waiting room at Jefferson Hospital or from the intensive cardiac care unit at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania was not possible. I was so overwhelmed by both experiences and I couldn’t bear to read the comments which would surely follow. Have you ever noticed how sometimes support is incredibly wonderful and other times it can be suffocating? I wasn’t prepared for either scenario. So I kept it all inside–which turned out not to be a good idea either. As a result of all of the above and some other underlying factors, I also kept the following aspect of my life off of Facebook – I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. My symptoms included shaking and crying often for no particular reason, total exhaustion, out of the blue panic attacks, stomach issues, and an overall loss of appetite. I would literally stare at a small, plastic container of Greek yogurt willing myself to eat the whole thing—often leaving half of it untouched. And I LOVE Greek yogurt! What started this? I don’t know the exact cause because there isn’t one thing I can pin it on. However, my fears of not getting everything done and done well may have been what ultimately did me in. Ever since grade school, I’ve been known as the conscientious and dependable one. My teachers even wrote it on my report cards. People rely on those qualities in me every day and I thrive on that. I give 110% to everything I do with passion and determination, but I guess I just ran out of steam. My grandmother used to say do everything, wear everything, and enjoy everything in the best of health. Boy, she was so right! I am happy to report that everyone is healthy–including me–and we are all enjoying life again. I continue to bounce back thanks to the love and support from my amazing family and closest friends as well as some excellent doctors and a little medication. 🙂 So why am I sharing this with you now? This blog is called Life Without A Manual for a good reason. Sometimes life throws you curve balls that hit you square in the head. Very often you don’t see it coming. You become so dizzy, confused, and upset that you think you can’t find a way out–until eventually you do find a way out. THERE IS NO MANUAL. But there are people around you who love you who can pick you back up, be there in your time of need, get you through the hard days, and help you move forward. To those people who were there for me, I am sending you a heartfelt thank you. You all know who you are. There is always a way out and I hope that sharing some of my story will help others who may be suffering in silence.

My Thursday 3

Inspired by my Facebook friend and fellow writer, Julie Jordan Scott, here are three things about me that describe my everyday life, along with 3 “in the moment” facts about myself, right here, right now. Thanks, Julie, for getting me out of my writing slump.

  1. Six months ago, I launched my consulting business, and while it’s a slow build, things are progressing, and I love every minute of it. In fact, I’ve spent so much time working that I have neglected my bookshelves. Summer is typically my best time to read. I love sitting outside on my patio and losing myself in a beach read or a celebrity memoir. However, I’ve been so busy working and networking that I barely touched my TBR list. This month, I read “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore, a 5-star book in my opinion. While I’m thankful that this book was a winner and worth the hype, I wish I had finished more books this season. But I won’t beat myself up over it. Fall is coming, and cooler nights by the firepit feel like I’m being given a second chance to jump back into my reading life.

  2. It is difficult for me to find clothes I like that fit me well and are within my price point. A few weeks ago, I visited one of the largest malls in the country, the King of Prussia Mall, in search of any cute dresses to take on vacation and a black belt. Sadly, I left empty-handed. The mall is a young person’s land of abundance and a fashion desert for the rest of us. The funny thing is that my kids purchase most of their wardrobes online instead of in person. This is likely the reason why malls are like ghost towns these days.

    Having said all this, I went to the mall today because I saw a dress online that happened to be in the store. I thought I’d save the shipping and buy it in person. Unfortunately, I was unimpressed when I tried it on, so I left empty-handed. On the way to the parking lot, I walked through Macy’s, and a cute dress caught my eye. I tried it on, instantly fell in love with it, and went to purchase it. But because I didn’t have my store credit card, the salesperson had to call customer service. Five minutes later, I spoke to the representative, who informed me that I needed my husband’s authorization to use the card. Ten minutes later, I was driving home without said dress. What year is this…1970?!

  3. I’m struggling to come up with a third thing right now because I’m sitting in a library that is barely air-conditioned. Why didn’t I bring my portable neck fan with me? I’m starting to get very warm and am probably on the verge of a hot flash. I could also be sweating bullets because I have a lot of work to do before I go on vacation. It’s time to go home and stand in front of the fan or the refrigerator, or both.



Top 10 Things I Think About Before Falling Asleep

Woman lying in bed not sleepingOnce, there was a time when I would fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Then, I’d sleep until 10 a.m. the next day and feel well-rested.

I miss those days.

The older I get, the more difficulty I have falling asleep. Even though I’m tired, the moment I start to drift off, my brain turns on and plays back my day in full detail for my viewing pleasure. If I had to title this internal monologue, I’d call it: “Shit I Got Done and Tomorrow’s To-Do List” (Not the best title, I know).

But I’m not done because, after the daily recap, my thoughts spiral into random tangents that pop up just to piss me off. These tangents are never the same which makes it interesting. But I’d much rather fall into a sound sleep until my alarm wakes me up the next day.

No such luck. So, here are the 10 things I thought about last night right before I fell asleep:

  • Is my CPAP mask on correctly? Did I refill the water tank? Don’t forget to buy more distilled water. Maybe I have a gallon in my car. How am I going to schlep this machine around Italy in September? Do they even sell distilled water there?
  • What do I have to do tomorrow? What day is it? What meetings do I have? When is Passover? I need to start making plans since I’m hosting this year.
  • I wonder what my mom wants for Mother’s Day. Are we hosting Mother’s Day this year?
  • Shoot! I forgot to post on LinkedIn today. What should I post about? What did I post about last week?
  • Please don’t let me dream about my crappy former boss again. That guy lives rent-free in my brain and comes out only during my REM sleep. Why can’t all my bosses be like the ones I had when I worked at the synagogue? They were the best!
  • Is my phone fully charged? Did I set my alarm? Is it going to rain tomorrow?
  • Did I set the DVR to record all the late night shows? Why didn’t it record SNL this weekend?
  • Why haven’t I finished writing my book yet?
  • I need to schedule my next mammogram.
  • Do I need to use the bathroom? Yes!

Rinse and repeat and fall asleep way past midnight. 🙁

Does anyone else have random thoughts like this right before you fall asleep? What are you thinking about and how do you turn them off? Let me know in the comments.



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