Posts Tagged ‘weekend reading’

Weekend Makeover

Saturdays and Sundays used to be all about the kids and their activities. When they were little, we averaged around two birthday parties a weekend per kid. With two kids, this could add up to four parties in one weekend – sometimes on the same day at the same time. It was exhausting, but it is now fun to look at photos from the parties and see how little they and their friends were. Back then, high school and college seemed so far away.

As they got older, I dropped them off, picked them back up at practices, and sat on the sidelines cheering them on at the soccer/baseball games. This is all part of being a mom, and of course, I enjoyed every minute of it. But sometimes, I couldn’t wait for them to get their own driver’s licenses so they could get themselves to practice on their own. Now, I miss the car rides and the conversations.

Now that the kids are young adults, there isn’t as much running around as there used to be. In some ways, life has slowed down, but the weekends still go by so fast. I’ve had to learn how to spend quality time with myself outside of running errands and watching Law and Order all weekend long. I am definitely in need of a weekend makeover.

One of the things I missed when I was out with the kids was time to read. I think this is why I accumulated all these books but never actually got around to reading them. When the kids were little, the only time I could read was when I got my allergy shot and had to wait 30 minutes to make sure I didn’t have a reaction. I read many books in that doctor’s office, and sometimes I’d stay in the waiting room a little longer to finish a chapter.

Nowadays, I can carve out plenty of time for reading on the weekends. In the morning, you will likely find me on the couch with a cup of coffee and a book in hand. During the day, when I’m running errands, I’ll take a book with me in case I need something to do while I’m waiting for my number to be called at the deli counter. And when I start to get drawn into an episode of Law and Order, admittedly, I still watch it, but I’ll read a magazine during the commercials.

For me, Saturdays are sacred for me-time and family time. Sundays are for getting ready for Mondays. 🙂