Posts Tagged ‘#baseball’

Game 7!

I’m too nervous to write a blog post right now, so I’ll just leave this here.

I’m either going to eat one of these cupcakes to celebrate the Phillies going to the World Series, or I’m going to eat ALL OF THEM because I’ll be very depressed.

Stay tuned. Go Phillies!

Red October

I had to laugh at today’s writing prompt from the beloved fearless leader of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

“What do you do in the Fall that is unique to this season.”

For Phillies baseball fans, tonight we aren’t enjoying the changing colors of the leaves, attending a fall festival, or carving a pumpkin. Tonight, we are watching the Philadelphia Phillies begin their road to the World Series!!!

We will get there one game at a time, and tonight we are taking on the Miami Marlins in the first postseason game. We will be saying our prayers and yelling at our televisions. We will cheer on the players and curse out the umpires when they make bad calls. Hopefully, bats and helmets aren’t thrown into the stands, but when it comes to this team, you never know.

It’s not fall in our house. It’s Red October. And it’s going to be AWESOME!