Call me crazy, but I think everyone should have a stash of quotes to start their day. Brief words of wisdom from those who came before us or are living in our time can change your attitude, make you smile, and start your day off on the right foot. You can find quotes just about anywhere—calendars, coffee mugs, books, t-shirts, and so on.
I have a box of quotes called “Crush Your Goals.” Inside the box are 40 affirmation cards. I like to go through them and choose one to put by my desk while I am job hunting, writing, or just catching my breath. Sometimes, I switch them out every day. Often, I leave a quote there for the week. However I’m feeling or whatever situation I find myself in, I can find a card in that box encouraging me to just keep going. Here are some examples.
I read this one when I have writer’s block.

“It’s amazing what we can do if we simply refuse to give up.” – Octavia Butler
I read this one yesterday after receiving a rejection letter from a job I was interested in.

“Please think of the things in your life that you are proud of, that fulfill you, that make you happy and write them down somewhere, and look at that list every time you feel that you are failing” – Jameela Jamil
And when the thought of starting something new overwhelms me…

“I know how it looks. But just start. Nothing is insurmountable.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda
What quotes inspire you? Let me know in the comments.
January 13, 2024 at 1:17 am (1 year ago)These cards are a great way to remind you of your resources and to encourage you to use them 👍🏻
The last one is basically about ‘how to eat an elephant 🐘’ – chop itvinto chewable bites 👊🏻
Paul Taubman
January 12, 2024 at 9:28 pm (1 year ago)I actually send out a quote a day called the Gratitude Burst from the website – it helps me become more grateful (as well as the folks that subscribe to it).
Today’s quote was,
“It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action.”
– Honore de Balza
January 12, 2024 at 9:52 pm (1 year ago)Love that quote, Paul! I will check out your website because I need to keep my grateful mindset going. thanks!
January 12, 2024 at 8:18 pm (1 year ago)That is such a great little tool box to get your mindset going in the right direction. We could all use such a thing.
January 12, 2024 at 9:53 pm (1 year ago)There are so many of these kinds of collections. I forget where I bought this one, but I know there were a few themes. I gave a few cards to my kids to keep handy when they need them.
January 12, 2024 at 7:51 pm (1 year ago)I need to get this box of quotes. I have so many quotes that I love as well. But I love the idea of having one that you can pull out anytime to see them while you are working.
January 12, 2024 at 9:53 pm (1 year ago)It’s a new practice that I’m doing, and I have to say that it is working! The quotes start to become a mantra after a while which is comforting.